Chapter 14 : Circumstances

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I called to her. She was standing right before us. She didn't want to come at first, but she's here. That means she followed us, right?
“Oh... Flandre..” Reimu said. “I won't let you take him away from me! He won't return! Not under my watch.” Flandre yelled.
“You knew something like this would happen, Reimu?” Yukari finally jumped out of her gap and revealed her full body, gracefully gliding down beside Reimu with a parasol in hand. “Well, I was just following my gut feelings. To say that is not exactly true. But, I guess we'll have to do this all by force.” Reimu said, shooting down... papers? But as soon as they landed they all exploded. We all jumped backwards, but I fell when I landed. “Allow us to think about it while we fight, shall we?” Remilia said as she readied a spear. Sakuya also prepared her seemingly endless supply of knives. I just backed away, knowing I would only get in the way. “Y/n-kun, are you okay?” Flan approached me to check if I'm okay. “Of course... I guess I'm not used to something like this.” I scratched the back of my neck. “Just please leave it to us! We won't let you go, ever!” she said as she turned around and prepared her sword...? Lævateinn, right? She charged forward and slashed down her sword at Reimu, only to be blocked and knocked back. To say the least, shots were thrown at each other. Shining light shoots down everywhere, aiming at one another. It's like bullet hell, here...
“Hey, Yukari! Help me out, y'know?” Reimu said “I am helping, Reimu. Fufufu...” she chuckled and opens a large portal, consuming the shots thrown. Then all of a sudden, the shot appeared behind them. Resulted in them getting hit instead. “Remilia! Flandre! Sakuya!” I called out to them. Silence was filled for a few seconds, until time felt like it stopped.


Time had flowed again, and hundreds of knives were pointing at Reimu again. She just huffed and bounce deflect them easily, and charged forward.
While all of this tension is growing, I suddenly feel myself getting lifted and placed onto something. When I looked down, I was... already flying?!? And I'm on some wooden stick. “Yo! You must be very confused right now.” a female spoke in front of me. When I looked at her, it was a witch..? She has a witch hat and yellow hair. “The name's Marisa, but now's not the time for intros. I'm gonna get you away from the field for now so you can safely return later.” she explained. Just as I tried to say something, we're flying at an immense speed...!! “Aghhh!!!! Slow down!!” I screamed. “Hahaha!! Ain't this fun?!” she replied. Nope, this woman is not chill...
I suddenly felt a gust of wind passing by me, and our flight had come to a stop in midair suddenly. “Where are you taking him, Marisa?”
It was Flandre. She sounded, cheerful and innocent? But when I saw her face on her tilted head, she was not happy. She was furious. Her eyes was clearly showing it. “Somewhere safer. But, can't return him to you so easily soooo...” Marisa was the opposite. It's cheerful, enthusiastic and determined of what's gonna happen. “GIVE HIM BACK!” she said unleashing a barrage of bullets. “No can do!” she yelled and dodged easily, then fled past her. “W-whoa..!! Please slow down, I might fall...” I tried to balance myself out. “Just held onto my shoulders.” she smiled brightly when she turned to me. I nervously held onto her shoulders. It's weird doing this to someone I barely knew, especially a girl. I mean, I've been around girls all the time but I'm uncomfortable doing something like this. Marisa, in retaliation, also shoots down Flandre. She was hit a lot but managed to continue her attacks. She then swung her sword at her, leaving bullets on the way. Again, Marisa easily dodged it all. But unexpectedly she swung again, faster this time. Which cause Marisa to lose balance and nearly fell, gripping tightly on her broom.
“Oh, wow. Never seen you so desperate.” she said while reaching to her pocket and throws something at her. But Flan simply pulled out her hand, and clenched her fist, destroying the flying object. But as if that small explosion was enough to distract her, Marisa got back on the broom, standing up, and this time readies another object in hand. The object then released a large colourful laser at Flandre. And was hit directly. “Ah! Flandre!” I called out to her, hoping she wouldn't be hurt badly. And once that laser was done shooting, it revealed Flandre, who had her sword up which defended her somehow. Though she had some bruises on her.

“Ghh... give him back!” she yelled. “Y'know, I would if I could. Sorry!” Marisa chirped. “Y-you would if you could?” I said. “.......I can't exactly explain everythin', but twas the truth.” she tipped her hat. Flan desperately swung her sword back and forth, her tears forming in her eyes. Marisa shot lots of colourful star-shaped lights at Flandre to defend. “Wait! Please explain!” I begged. “Sorry, can't. Ya wouldn't get it either way.” she said coldly. Her face is definitely serious. “But... if I don't get it, then I wouldn't be able to solve this, right? Everything that's happening is all my fault, right?” I said. “No! It's not your fault!” Flan answered. It seems she overheard my reply. “Fair, but in the end, ya gotta return. Pretty sure Reimu already explained, right?” she said. “But... Flan would be very devastated. She loves me, after all.” I blurted out. “Oh, really? Y'know she's, like, 495 years old, right?” Marisa scoffed. “Yeah, I know. She told me, but I couldn't care. Because... even if this world is claimed to be a fantasy, the feelings stay true.” I answered. “Huh?” Marisa stopped. So does Flan. “Look, it may seem weird for me to love somebody so suddenly. But I've spent time with her for a long time with her. My feelings will stay true. I love her.” I cried out. I can't believe of all people, I'm telling this to somebody I barely knew. But.. I....
“Y/n-kun... I... also... really love you!!” she yelled. “That's why I want you to stay! Don't listen to them! Even if this world... is like a fake, a fantasy of sorts... he's right, my feelings are always true!” she continued her cries. “Flan...”
Marisa tipped her hat, gritting her teeth. “Yer makin' this more difficult than it should. If only... the humans here and you outsiders are the same.” she said. “Why can't I stay?” I asked.
“Reimu told me... there are dangers for a real person to stay for too long. Time and space would get messed up and who knows what'll happen to the boundary of reality and fantasy. Yeah, strange right? Just one lone somebody as insignificant as you.... could cause problems for both reality and fantasy. Plus, ya said you have family. You're not necessarily forgotten, either.” she finally explained. “But... he can be forgotten, right? If he stays here, he'll be forgotten.” Flan pointed out. “Is that even possible...? For an outsider to be completely forgotten?” Marisa spat. “For as long as there's a trace of his existence, he can't be called ‘forgotten’. That's how it is.” she continued. “Sorry, Flan. I'd love to side with ya. But, Reimu's right. He has much different circumstances than Sumireko.” she added. Sumireko? From the looks of it, it sounds like a girl and she's also a human. “Different... circumstances?” Flan asked.
“........... can't say any more. So, see ya.” Marisa placed that same strange device into the broom's tail and we charged forward past Flan-chan at an extreme speed. Where are we going now?

To be continued.
Well, this appears to spill some bits of my theory. But.... I can't say any more. Plus the theory might be far too off, so I'll keep it a secret for now. Maybe future chapters will reveal it all.
That's all for this one. Thanks for reading.

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