Bad End : I Love You

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A/N : I have decided to split it again into two possibilities. And each possibility will have their own butterfly effects.

I've decided.
"All of this is hard to believe. There's no way all of this is a real work of fiction and I'm a part of it!" I yelled. "Huh? Y/n...?"
"What if all of these so-called 'evidences' fabricated?! All you've been saying are lies, right?" I said. "Your inability to accept the truth and continue to turn a blind eye on it will eventually lead to a terrible fate. I can assure you." Yukari spoke, levitating with her parasol in hand. "I'm not being blind! I want to choose what I truly believe in. And it's that all of your words are lies to separate me away from Flan...!" I yelled. "Y/n...?! This is unlike you.." Flan cried out. "And there's no way I can risk forgetting you, Flan. After all... I really love you! Even if our feelings remain the same, just imagine what'll happen if it won't be!" I cried. "What are you saying!?" Reimu said. "You can say love is a terrifying thing here." Yukari shook her head and sighed. "Y/n, please snap out of it! The Y/n I know isn't like this!" Flan cried. "No, no. I'm still me, Flan-chan. I'm only picking the right choice for us." I said with a smile. "What... right choice?"
"I refuse to leave! I want to stay!"
I yelled at Reimu. She looked startled. "Then... was all of this explaining worth it, Yukari?" she turned to her. "I was not expecting this answer, I must say." Yukari facepalmed. "Y/n... why? Why'd you risk all of our lives for selfish things like this?" Remilia stated. "Remilia, why would you believe obvious lies like that? It's very unlike you." I said. "No! It's you who believe the wrong thing!" Remilia cried desperately. "It's too late." Reimu interject. "W-what do you mean...?" Flandre asked. "His heart is clouded with darkness. He can no longer differentiate between the truth and lies. As Yukari said before, his close-mindedness is what made him like this." Reimu clenched her teeth. Yukari looked up at the dark sky and fear colours her face.
"Reimu, let's just forcefully make him return." Yukari sighed. "Huh...? Are you saying...?"
"Yes. Hurry!"

First Possibility
They're gonna make me return...? Not if I run away!
"C'mon, Flan! Let's get out of here!" I yelled and took her wrist. I am practically dragging her into following me.
Before I went any further, I overheard a brief conversation. "Is the creator controlling us right now?!" Marisa asked desperately. "No. If he were, he'd undo everything." said Yukari. And then their voices grew distant and I could finally hear them no longer. "Y-Y/n... wait!!" Flan cried out. "Why don't you want this ending?! This is for us! Why do I have to forget you...!? It's just too cruel...!" I raised my voice. "No, Y/n! You don't know what will happen if you continue to stay! It's been a year, after all!" she didn't stop. I didn't listen. I continued to run even if my legs refused. I don't know to where, I just keep running.
Soon I hear strange sounds coming from the sky. Statics and pixels. Could these be...?!
"G-glitches...?" I stopped. I was trying to catch my breath as I processed through it all, and turned to look at Flandre. My eyes widen in shock.
She was breathing heavily on her knees because of running, but she became brighter. Like a light. But there's statics, lines and pixels, too...!
My heart sunk when I saw this. I quickly ran to her and tried to touch her, but I felt nothing. "Y/n...! What have you done?!" she screamed. She was crying and sounded angry. "W-what...?! How can this b-be...?" I stuttered. I can't put the right words out of my mouth. "Agh!! It hurts! So much...!" she held her head and shaking her head. "What's happening!? Flan! Can you hear me?? Are you okay?" I asked. "Y/n... you know now we're not lying, right? Look what you did to us!" she said with a straight face, whilst glitching. Suddenly she starts to disappear.
"It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault
It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault
It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault
It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault
It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault It's all your fault -"
She was cut off after her glitched out words and disappeared. I, too, realized I was disappearing. The stream of tears had stopped and I fell silent. "It really is all my fault... my fault... my fault... my fault... my fault... my fault... my fault... my fault..."

Ambulance was called to the famous game creator's house, Jun'ya Ota. Or more commonly known as ZUN. His oldest child that goes by the name Y/n L/n was sent into the emergency room due to brain damage. We are currently undergoing an investigation to find out what is this brain damage and what caused this. But his condition appears to get worse and worse. We only hope for the best...

Second possibility
They're trying to take me back? I turned around and tried to take Flan's hand but was pulled back by a hand. No, a bunch of hands, restricting my movements and shut my mouth. I tried to break free but it was useless. The grip was too tight. I couldn't even say goodbye to Flan? And all of my dearest friends...? I was pulled and thrown into the gap. I tried to reach out but nothing. "Flan!!" I screamed as a last bit of effort.








I woke up to a strange feeling I had in my head. It hurts really bad. I lifted my body and sat down on my bed. "Mmh..."
I was inside my bedroom. I had slept very well. And the dream I had felt so real. I tried to recall this dream but nothing. Suddenly, my bedroom door opened and there was my father entering the room. "Y/n? You're finally awake!" his eyes lit up and ran up to me. He then hugged me for a good while. "Good morning, father. W-wait... what do you mean by 'finally awake'...?" I asked, returning his hug, and lets go. "You slept for almost a year. I was worried. I thought it was strange, so I called the doctor but he said you're fine." he explained. Almost a year?! That's too long! "We were worried what will happen to you if we only leave you to sleep, so we used a pipe to insert food and water. It was truly a strange phenomenon." he said. "It's not a coma or anything?" I asked. "The doctor said it's not and he's sure of it." he shook his head. That's... crazy. There's no way the doctor couldn't identify this as a coma. "Well, what's more important is that now you're awake. Come on up." he smiled, relief filling his voice.
I slowly but painfully try to get off my bed. Bending my legs and arms felt really painful, too. I stood up and nearly lost my balance and fell. I guess this is the after-effects of sleeping for too long...
Luckily I still remember how to walk. Don't want to crawl like a baby anymore.
I greeted my family with hugs and tears. They said the same thing as my father. They really missed me despite still being in the house.
"Oh, yeah! And your room sometines stinks, brother!" my little brother said. "And look at your little sister! Isn't she adorable?" my mother showed my newborn little sister. "Yeah, she is. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there when she was born.." I said. "No, no. It's okay, my dear." she smiled. I sighed in relief. I checked the date on my phone.
December 27, 2016.
If they said I slept for nearly a year, then I have slept since New Year???
"Oh, I send to your school's principal about your condition before. You missed out a lot of lessons, son." father told me, chuckling later on. "I'll try to keep up." I laughed awkwardly in response. "You sure you won't just play gamesand watch anime?" li'l bro said. I pinched his cheeks abd we both laughed.

After taking a bath and eat breakfast, and I guess also stretching to loosen my muscles, I looked at my father's desk. His computer is on. I felt a stinging pain in my head, but I had the urge to approach it. And so I did. There is Touhou Project on the screen. He apparently finished the latest installment, Shinpiroku.
Without knowing why, I felt a sudden urge of hatred. No reason, I just feel very angry. A creation of my father I loved before, now I want to delete all of it? This anger took over me. It made me really want to delete all of the progresses and effort he made...

And I can't stop it. I had already permanently deleted them all.

Extra : Flan's POV
Before Y/n fully vanish.
Y/n screamed. I tried to approach but I was stopped by my sister. "Leave him be." she said. "After all, this world is gonna reset. He'll forget about you and you'll forget about him later." my sister shook her head. "What if I follow him through!?" I said. "You'll just disappear! You're a work of fiction like us! Now, quit it. Everything that happened will be erased."


The End?
That's it for the bad end. First of all, I dunno ZUN's children's name oofie. Second of all, yes this takes place in 2016. I had originally planned for it to be 2020 but when I researched about ZUN's children name, I found out he has another child...
Dang can you believe it? I didn't want it to be very contradictory so here it is. Also, yes the previous climax chapters (14-16) are all happening in December after Shinpiroku.
Why now and not previous months? Cuz those months are spent with Flan and Y/n-kun bein' all lovey-dovey-
Anyways thanks for reading!

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