Chapter 16 : To Believe

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“Now, do you believe me?” Yukari snapped me out of it. “Huh...? How can I believe this...? Is it really not because of fate?” I said. “Oh, don't be so naïve, Y/n. It is the absolute truth. You are adopted by our creator. You played an important factor in our creations. And I must say that it is thanks to you my capabilities surpassed any limits. And this is because of your modifications I am able to summon you here now. Of course, by accident.” she explained. “NO! I refuse to believe it! Besides, how can you look so happy?! How can I know your words aren't lies!?” I yelled at her. “If it weren't for your memories being surpressed, it might be a lot easier to explain... And none of these objects ring any bells to you. What a shame...” she just sighed. “Can't you mess with his memories to make him remember?” Reimu suggested. “My, my. It would be wonderful if it were easy. I would have done so, but what would be the consequences if I do?” Yukari turned to Reimu. She thought for a few seconds and her eyes widen in shock. “He might remember us!” Reimu gasped. “You're catching on fast. What would be the ‘forgotten land’ be remembered by a mere human. Too many butterfly effects. Though, we are remembered by a bunch of humans. Isn't it ironic? But for a human to literally experience this is... risky.” Yukari nodded.“But... what will happen to me if I do return?” I asked. “I can guarantee the safety of your return, but your memories of your experience here will disappear. You will only know us as your creations.” she sighed. “But why?! You said so yourself you are remembered by a lot of people! Isn't it hypocritic?!” I yelled. “You are much different. They only see what is called a ‘finished product’, but you are experiencing it directly. There is a rather big difference, y'know?” Yukari raised a brow at me. She is clearly annoyed. “But... why!? Why do I have to forget about her?!” I fell to my knees. I can feel tears forming in my eyes, and immediately flow down my cheeks. “Y/n!!”
A familiar voice called to me. It shone a light of hope into my heart. I turned around and saw Flandre gliding down to me. She, too, was crying. “Flan...”
She ran up to me and hugged me. “Oh, Y/n! Why are you crying?” she hugged me tightly. “I-I... guess I'm just in shock... b-but look at yourself, Flan...” I sobbed in between my words, chuckling and somewhat feel relieved. “I-I'm sad because you're... sad, dummy!” she said, lightly punching me. “Ugh... how much longer are we gonna waste our time? My patience is wearing thin.” Reimu groaned. Flan lets go of me and I stood up, looking at Reimu. “You want me to return, yet you ask for Remilia's consent?” I said. “Oh, it was merely to lure her out. So that we set up our hostages. And it was also to get you out.” Reimu briefly explained. “And why would you take me away to only return me here, Marisa?” I turn to ask her. “So you'd be safer. Who knows what'll happen to ya if I left ya alone.” she averted her gaze.
I lowered my head. “I... just can't take this...” I mumbled. “Y/n...?” Flan softly approached me.
“WHY ME?!”
I yelled at the top of my lungs. It was a loud screech, birds were flying away from the trees. That is it. My breaking point.
I can tell Flan was scared of my sudden screech. Even Remilia and Sakuya. My tears flow even more and once I was done, I fell again. I feel my throat feeling sore after that. But I can't afford to care. “Y-Y/n...” Flan said quietly, but loud enough to make me hear it. She placed her hand on my shoulder. “F-Flan... I... I don't want to go! I don't care what happens, I don't want to forget about you!” I grabbed her shoulders. “Y/n...!”
“Hey, Reimu. Is the reason you asked for my consent was so you can seek approval on both parties?” Remilia said. Reimu didn't answer for a while. “Don't misunderstand, Remilia.” she spat. “Don't lie, Reimu. It is very unlike you. You really are considerate, after all. Especially to humans. Even if you did act rude to him.” Remilia chuckled.
“Hey, Flan. Will you forget about me? You don't want that too, right?” I said, sobbing yet seemingly laughing. “Y/n... I...” she's also sobbing. “Why should we care about what's going to happen to our world? As long as we're together, right? You want that too, right?” I continued.
“Yukari, is there anything you can do?” Sakuya said to Yukari. “Oh, I wish. I would love to ignore all of this, but I know the consequences and thus all of this is my responsibility. The only way is to bring him back.” Yukari said. “Hey, Flandre... why me? Why does it have to be me? Why do I have to go through all of this...?” I continued my prattling. It all felt hopeless. “I'm so sorry, Y/n... I'm... really sorry this has to happen to you...” was all she could say to me. “W-why are you apologizing...?”

“Y/n, please snap out of it! You have to realize it and open your eyes to the future!!”

She yelled those words. I have never heard her say anything of the sort.
I looked up at her. “Flan...?”
“Y/n, I know all of this is too hard to believe, but how much longer are you going to be this indecisive?! How much longer are you gonna despair? And most of all, how much are you gonna look away from reality...?” she said. My eyes widen in shock. “F-Flandre...” even Remilia is shocked. Nearly everyone is.
“Listen! I've learned to accept that I live in a basement for my own safety and get used to it. You have to be able to accept it as well! No matter how harsh the reality may be. You have to look into the future. The future you yourself decide! You have to choose. To stay and let all of the world get destroyed and have me gone forever, or leave and forget about me.” she continued, tears streaming down like waterfalls. “W-what...?! Destroyed and... gone forever?” I gasped. “One of the many consequences. You being here is a part of disrupting the balance between fantasy and reality.” Yukari jumped in and answered. “F-Flan... you knew all along...?” I asked. “Remilia and Sakuya once told me... how can a human like you cause so much disturbances if they somehow managed to come to Gensokyo. But, when you do enter, now that I think about it, I find it strange I didn't realize that none of us remembered about those facts.” she said. “What do you mean...?”
“She's right. If we had remembered, we would have called Yukari right here and there and returned you home immediately. However, we just kept you in imprisonment in our mansion.” Sakuya added. “Then... your arrival caused memory discrepancies...!?” Remilia gasped. “Perhaps more than just memory discrepancies. Reality distortion, even.” Reimu said seriously, concern colouring her face. “So, Y/n. Are you willing to stay to destroy the world your father cherished dearly?” Yukari said.
I fell silent. If my father is the one who created everything here, and I modified Yukari's abilities...
Then... I can't possibly stay here. But... how can I ever choose?!
“Y/n... even if the choices are difficult, please... choose wisely.” Remilia said. “All of us are at risk.” Sakuya added. “All of this is because you modified Yukari's abilities. Well, also Yukari's fault for being too curious.” Reimu turns away from me. “Ahaha... don't blame him too much, Reimu. I'm very thankful, in fact.” Yukari laughed. “Everything will go back to normal if you return.” Marisa said. “Even if we don't remember eachother, I know deep down we'll still be together. Because I love you so much! And my feelings won't change!” Flandre cheered. Everyone's fate is up to me. “Everyone... Flandre...”
I looked at everyone's faces. I still couldn't choose, but if those consequences are what at cost...
Then, my choice is...

Hold it!
Firstly, the endings will split to bad and true end. Please look forward to it!
The bad end might be shorter, but I'll try to make it as long as the previous chapters.
Self-insert Y/n L/n-kun is only associated with ZUN within this story ONLY.
I hope this clears things up and not cause too much confusion.
Lastly, the entire idea of a real person coming into Gensokyo and cause reality distortion is ONLY MY IDEA. Thus, it might not be canon. I hope you understand!
Overall, thanks for reading.

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