Chapter 15 : The Truth

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“Hey, Marisa. Who is this Sumireko person?” I asked. “Totally none of your business.” she spat. We're heading back to the shrine after passed Flan. I suppose... so I can return to the outside world?

When we arrived, everyone was calmer. No more shootings, just silence. “So, y'all calmed down, huh? Got this human real scared.” Marisa said. It seems her mood has shifted back to her cheery self. “Where were you?” Reimu, on the other hand, is clearly not in the mood for a friendly conversation. “No biggie, at least I brought him back, right?” Marisa jumped off her broom whilst holding my wrist tightly. “So, Remilia? After our little ‘chat’, you finally understand right?” Reimu spoke, sounding almost smug. Looking at Remilia, she look worn, and so is Sakuya. These two got an awful beat. Remilia is just silent. What happened...?
“What did you told her?” I asked. “It's nothing of your concern.” Reimu spat. These two girls are really angry at me, huh?
“Why do you say that? I don't get it. This world is a fantasy? A place for forgotten things? And that I don't belong here...? I deserve an explanation.” I said, feeling some sort of pain in my chest. “Of course. Everything is as you said. But, there's no need for you to understand. You'll forget it like it's a dream, anyway.” Reimu stated. “A dream...?”
“Yup, everything's a fantasy here. You are a real person. You have family and friends that's in the outside world.” Marisa added.
“But... what about Sakuya? And this girl named Sanae? And you two and especially this mysterious person named Sumireko? Aren't you guys also real people?” I blurted out. Reimu looked surprised. “Marisa... what have you told him?” Reimu gave a long sigh. “Nothin'? Well, sure I blurted out Sumireko, but not about Sanae.” she shrugged in response. “As for those you mentioned, they have special circumstances that allows them to come and stay for as long as they please. Well, only Sumireko, I suppose.” Yukari answered. “And just what are these circumstances I don't have?!” I started to sound furious. “My, my, there is no need for you to get so angry. You see, I have created a fatal error without outside control. I summoned a real person into a world that is supposedly for forgotten things. Or.. for something that's easier to understand, you can say it is an imaginary world.” Yukari explained. “Is there any necessity to say any of that?” Reimu facepalmed. Outside control? Imaginary world?
“Well, cat's out of the bag. Can't we just explain it to him? I'm having a hard time keeping my mouth shut.” Marisa sighed. “It's your fault blurting out Sumireko.” Reimu glared at her. “Chill... sorry, okay? Didn't know he's gonna remember it...” Marisa laughed awkwardly.
“No need to fight. As soon as he returns, he'll forget everything, anyways.” Yukari giggled (eugh too girly for an old youkai). “How so...?” I asked nervously.
“This is like a dream world, I suppose. But there's already a dream world here, so is this thr Dream World? Ahaha! Who knows, hm?” she said. Nothing coming out of her makes any sense. “Remilia, Sakuya, can you tell me what they mean?” I turned to them instead. “I'm... sorry, Y/n. I'm afraid I can't explain it myself.” Remilia said. Sakuya shook her head. What are they keeping away from me?
“Yukari! Please explain!!” I yelled. “This world is created by someone in your world. And this one guy is the one who manages us. However, when he's not watching us, we're free to do whatever we want. I, of course, have nothing better to do because there's no incidents after a few months, sooo... I only sleep inside the boundary of fantasy and reality. Basically, the border of this world, and your world.” she started.
What...I...? I-I mean... I'm in a world full of magic and strange concepts... s-should I be shocked of something like this? Boundary of fantasy and reality?!
“You seem very confused. I understand. Human's common senses are the only things that seem natural to outsiders such as yourself. But such is the opposite for us.” Yukari laughed. “Anyway, because this is a dream world, or an imaginary world, however you wanna call it-” Marisa continued. “A real person like you is disrupting the boundary. I don't know what made Yukari summoned a gap to your world. Or how that is even possible...” Reimu cuts her off.
“Ooh... that's because I'm curious of how our creator looks like. How is his lifestyle, and I always wonder why hasn't he made any new more incidents since the last one.” Yukari girlish-ly... answered Reimu's question. Reimu facepalmed hard, and shook her head in disappointment. “H-huh...? B-but... how did it... end up being me...?” I asked. “Ohoho... would you be surprised to hear that...

You're the creator's second child?”


Yukari said it with such a happy tone...
W-what? I'm the creator's child? But I have no memory of this man!
“W-what?! That's impossible! My father...? Who is he?!” I cried out. “What? How come is this even possible...?” Yukari gasped in response. Why is she surprised? I'm the one who's supposed to be surprised!
“W-what do you mean?” I said. “Your memories shouldn't have been surpressed... it is certainly odd.” Yukari hummed. “My... memories shouldn't have been... surpressed...?”
“Meaning you should have remembered your memories of the outside world.” Remilia jumped into the conversation. “Now that you mention it, you never talked of your family in detail. You only remember that you are from the outside world.” Sakuya added. “How do you know my father is your creator? No, furthermore, how can I believe this?! How can you be sure, what evidence do you have?!?” I yelled. I'm angry, devastated. Why...? Why am I angry? Why can't I remember? Am I angry because the one I love is truly non-existent...? Was my feelings lies? And... even if they're true...

Am I just gonna forget about her?

“Oh, dear. I had feared something like this might come up. So, I gathered these.”
As Yukari said so, a gap was opened and a few objects fall out.
A phone, a sheet of paper, and a photo frame.
I yanked my wrist away from Marisa's slightly loosen tight grip and approached them. I turned on my phone, there displayed the time being 00:00. It has no security, just swipe up. I was greeted with what appears to be my home screen wallpaper. A picture of myself with my family. My eyes widened in shock. I hurrily opened Gallery and checked Cameras album. Pictures of myself, and sceneries I don't remember. I took the sheet of paper next. It says ‘adoption’. It has my full name, and what appears to be my father's name.

“Jun'ya Ota”

Was what it was written.
I was... adopted?
It has the date of adoption, the place's name, and most importantly his signature.
All of this was too hard to believe.
Lastly, the picture frame. I took it. There I saw myself. I presume in my age. And I saw my family's faces. Smiling happily in front of a house. There's a little boy beside me, a woman I presumed my mother beside me, and my father next to the little boy. My hands were shaking. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
“Oh, your father went by the name ‘ZUN’ as our creator.” Yukari said, with a pleased look on her face.
Is this...
The truth of my forgotten memories?

To be continued.
What a shocking truth! Were you surprised? It's all thanks to my subconsciouness. I applaud my subconsciousness for taking control over me.
Kinda forgetting on what I wanted to say but... ehh... maybe I'll remember tomorrow.
Thanks for reading anyways!

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