Chapter 3

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Ch. 3.0


Chapter Three

"What?" Josh and I exclaim at the same time.

Adam lets out a long exhale, setting back his cup of coffee on the counter. 

"Look, it's only temporary. I'm hoping that if Jade sees that he is able to hold a full-time job for two weeks, she'll let him leave back to the states and all of this is will be over soon."

Before I could say anything, Josh scoffs. "Unbelievable. I mean, sure, you can hide me for two weeks, but how the fuck are you going to hide your kid who you live with for two weeks?"

"I'm twenty-one, asshole," I snap. "But yes, you're right. He's not stupid, Adam. He'll figure everything out if he works with us."

At least Josh and I are together on this one. Don't get me wrong, I love Josh. Sure, he's strict at work and can be a jerk sometimes, but he has a good heart. 

Plus, he makes Adam really happy and lets me do whatever I want at work. No, not only because he met Adam because of me, but I don't know... He respects my ideas and encourages me to be creative and... Yeah, he's a cool boss. Did I mention that he makes Adam happy?

Adam sighs, which makes Josh place a hand on his shoulder. Adam leans into him. I can tell that the situation is really stressing him out, and I hate seeing him this way.

"Your pictures together are all over. Hell, your drawings-" He points towards the fridge.

"We can just lie about those. I'll tell him they are from my patients or something."

For some reason, this sends a punch to my gut. I mean, I knew that he was never really going to tell his family that I exist, but still... Seeing him hide me in every possible way is not the most pleasant experience. 

"Emily," Adam interrupts my ragging thoughts from bursting. "Stop overthinking this. You know exactly why I can't tell them."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, well, you're also expecting me to lie 24/7. Do I really need to remind you that your nephew is not only going to be living with me, but also working with me!"

"Josh will make sure that he keeps him by his side. Right, babe?"

Josh crosses his arms on his chest before looking away. "Two weeks."

"That's all I need," Adam kisses his cheek. "Drop you off at work?"

His lips curve upwards. "Let's go."

I let out a fake cough. "Gee, thanks for acknowledging my existence. Besides, I thought we were going together, you slu-"

"You know that even though I'm dating your dad, I can still fire you, right?"

"Please. You wouldn't survive a day without me."

He shakes his head before messing my hair a bit. "Get over yourself, Nader. Actually, take the day off today. Show the poor guy around."

My jaw drops. Is he freaking kidding me?

Before I can say anything, Adam gets excited about the idea. "Oh my God, yes! You could get to know each other and besides, he's around your age. It's good for you to be around people your own age."

"I already am around people my own age. You two clearly check the mental criteria."

"Don't be petty. I think you two can be good for each other. You'll be a good influence for him, and he'll teach you how to have some fun."

"I know how to have fun."

"In a twenty-years-old-ish way. Just show him around, where to get his groceries from-"

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