Chapter 43

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Chapter 43.


I know that I'm not the nicest person around here. But being on my period is generally the worst time of the month for me. A time when my irritability is amplified and my inner bitch is unleashed. Additionally, my lower back hurts and my stomach is bloated and I generally just want to die during those five bloody days. Pun intended.

With that being said, my team should know not to piss me off during that time of the month because I'm already tense as fuck. Not to mention that we have the soccer game coming up - which I'm extremely excited about, by the way. Nervous, 'cause it's our first game, but extremely excited.

We don't take soccer lightly around here. The games are extremely competitive and each town takes extreme pride in its soccer team. That is conspicuous through the crowd on the benches: the people from our town are all wearing blue and holding up posters, flags, and pictures of the players.

The ambience is convivial, easing some of my misery as I walk down the benches towards Logan. I'm wearing a jersey of our soccer team and my hair is up in a ponytail. My heartbeats speed up when I spot him among the team.

He's wearing his coach attire, with a black cap on his head. My chest tightens as he gathers them around to give them a short motivational speech before they go into the field. That is one of my absolute favorite things about him: the way he's so good at working with teenagers. They absolutely adore him and look up to him so much, it makes my heart melt.

I quickly spot Adam and Josh, and I walk towards them, even though I'm pissed at Josh. Adam grins when he sees me. "There comes my little munchkin."

"More like she-devil," Josh mutters.

"I heard that," I say before sitting between them. Josh sighs but Adam pulls me to his chest before kissing my forehead.

"I bought you some nachos."

I grin before kissing his cheek. "You're awesome."

We chit chat for a couple of minutes before the game finally starts. The boys are amazing, they literally manage to score about three goals within the first half of the match. Their team coherence is excellent and they have the crowd going crazy for them.

Logan looks like an extremely proud dad. I can't help but grin at the sight of him, so proud of the team that he has been training for the past two months. "He looks so happy," I whisper to Adam.

He nods. "He should be. No offense but the boys were absolute shit before him."

By the time the match ends, the score is at eight goals for our team and two for the other. It's an amazing victory and obviously one that we haven't experienced in a while. The parents are extremely happy for their kids and the parades begin right after the game is over.

Adam and I walk directly towards Logan. I almost expect to see him standing alone, so I'm taken back when I spot a group of girls surrounding him. It almost feels like a punch in the gut, except that it's even worse since I have my period.

And it sucks since I forget how attractive he is sometimes. Like, I don't think of him as Logan, the absolutely gorgeous new coach who is visiting here from the states. He's just Logan for me. The one who cries while watching Casper and shits his pants as I make him climb the highest mountain in the Levant region.

He grins when he sees us. "That was an amazing game, kiddo. You exceeded all my expectations," Adam says as he hugs him.

Then, Josh pulls him into a hug too. "I definitely say that you deserve a raise."

"Ah, thanks guys. Thank you for watching and I think I actually heard your cheers," Logan tells Adam before looking at me.

My lips curve upwards as he pulls me into his chest. The warm feeling engulfs me. "That was a great game. I'm proud of you," I mumble into his neck. I can feel him smile against my hair.

"Thanks for coming, Em. Are you feeling better?"

My stomach tightens when our eyes meet. "Yeah, better."

"You guys wanna go get some dinner?" Adam asks. Logan places his hand around my shoulder and it's one of the most underrated romantic gestures ever.

"Sure. I'm feeling burgers," Logan suggests.

"Alright, well, we'll meet you there in twenty," Josh says. "I want to introduce Adam to my cousin first."

As Logan and I walk back towards my car, the girls stop him again. It takes everything in me not to snap at them. Especially with their long lean legs and crop tops and blonde hair - I'm suddenly all too aware that I'm wearing skinny jeans and an over-sized jersey.

"Hey, Logan, we're going to a house party to celebrate if you want to tag along."

My stomach drops as they pretend that I'm not even here. Bitches. If Logan leaves with them, he can literally kiss his job goodbye. I'm not even kidding.

However, his arm tightens around me. "Sorry, ladies. I'm taking my girlfriend out to dinner tonight. Maybe another time, but enjoy your night!"

Girlfriend - Did he just call me his girlfriend? I don't really listen to whatever nonsense they say afterwards, the word "girlfriend" echoing in my head.

When we go inside my car, I turn towards him. "Did you just call me your girlfriend?"

His lips part for a second. "Uh, yeah?"

"Since when am I your girlfriend?" I frown. "You haven't asked me to be your girlfriend yet. Did you just have that conversation with yourself and assumed I'd say yes?"

He grins before leaning in for a kiss. "That is sort of how it went, yeah."

I shake my head. "I can't believe you."

He sighs. "Fine, you're right. Em, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Logan, that is literally the most unromantic way to ask me to be your girlfriend."

He pouts. "Please? I just won the game for you."

"You didn't win the game. Your team did. And they had to or else I would have fired you."

He groans, "Fuck, I forgot that it's humanly impossible to win any argument with you. Fine, I'll think of a more romantic way to ask you to be my girlfriend."


"Also, it was really hot the way you glared at those ladies. It almost seemed like you were jealous. Almost."

I glance at him quickly before focusing back on driving. "You're walking on very thin ice, Peter Pan."

"I am so fucking over this nickname."

I can see him smile from the corner of my eyes which makes butterflies flutter in my stomach. I missed this a little more than I should have. I almost forgot how our ridiculous banters make my day. I bite my smile back. 

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