Chapter 28

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After rubbing myself with oil in a non-seductive way and taking the longest shower, I definitely feel better. Except when I look at my thighs where I'm pretty sure a big blue bruise is going to form.

I quickly put on a hoodie and some sweatpants. The door knocks, and Em comes in. Her hair is up in a ponytail, just the way I like it. It highlights her high cheekbones and sharp jawline.

She's grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Save it, Em. You still smell like eggs."

Except that she doesn't. She smells like lavender and vanilla and I wish that I can be repulsed by the fact that she drank raw eggs for me. 

"Okay, all jokes aside, that was actually fun. The boys just left." 

She sits on my bed, and I notice that she's wearing my hoodie.

"Is that my hoodie?"

She looks down, her cheeks heating up. "No, that's mine."

The hoodie is a black oversized one that has a small NASA logo. "That's definitely mine. I think I even stained it the other day." 

I grab the hem and show her the stain.

She frowns. "You stained my hoodie?! I can't believe you! You're getting me a new one."

I bite back a smile, which pisses her off even more. I swear that she has the temper of a five-year-old. 

"Can you stop smirking? I'm serious! Never mind, I'll just choose any random piece of clothing that I like from your closet."

I shrug. "Fine by me. You look cute in my clothes, anyway."

Her cheeks heat up before she looks away. It's moments like these when it hits me how shy she can be. I'm used to Mar being confident and sexual all the time. With Em, it's different. 

Well, obviously, it's different because she's not my girlfriend and I shouldn't be comparing them. But I like that Em gets worked up over basic flirting. I kind of like that intimacy is a big deal for her. 

Because honestly, casual sex is horrible and no matter how much I pretended to be fine with it, I never was. It made me feel like shit. With Emily, I know that if we ever go down that lane, it's not going to be meaningless and easy. Theoretically, that is supposed to scare the living shit out of me. But strangely, it doesn't. 

"I don't look cute in your clothes because I have never worn them in the first place. I can't believe I was going to apologize to you about that stupid bet. You definitely deserve losing your motorcycle."

Ugh, again with that. "You're not actually going to take it, right?"

She scoffs before grabbing the keys. "Of course, I am. Did you think I was joking?!"

"Come on, Em! I know that somewhere deep inside that lifeless, cold exterior of yours, you have a heart. And that heart cares for Lena."

"Lena? You named your motorcycle? Never mind, I don't want to know. I can't wait to get rid of it."

I bite back a laugh.  "Wait, Em," I stop her from walking out of my room.


"Let me take you on one last ride."

"No way."

"Come on! It's not like you're ever going to have the opportunity of getting on the back of a motorcycle with me again."

"No, Logan. What part of I hate this motorcycle don't you get?"

The part where you wrap your hands around my torso and press your face against my shoulder.

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