Chapter 27

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I can't stop the giddy feeling in my stomach when we get inside my car. Or when Logan plugs the AUX into his phone and blasts some stupid Drake song. Or when my hand accidentally brushes against his, but he doesn't bulge. 

After our heavy conversation earlier, I feel so much closer to him. It's the scariest yet most freeing feeling I have experienced in a while. And as a drive to the liquor store, I can't help but steal glances at him as he stares outside the window, with his hands out and hair slicked back. My lips tug upwards as he misses some of the rap lyrics. 

When I park next to the liquor store, I turn to face him. "You're buying the alcohol."

He smirks. "Why? Is princess Em afraid of ruining her reputation by walking inside a liquor store?"

I low key like it when he calls me Em. But of course, I don't show him that. "You have ten seconds to walk out of the car before I take a U-turn back home, Peter Pan."

He pouts like a five-years old kid before succumbing to the pressure and going inside the store. It takes him about ten minutes and my jaw drops as I watch him struggle to hold the five six-packs and three bottles of liquor in two hands. 

My hand finds its way to the steering wheel before I beep at him. 

"Fuck off," He mouthes. 

As I drive back home, I can't shake the smile off of my face. Or so I thought, until I saw a bunch of teenage boys standing outside our home. 

I gulp, avoiding Logan's gaze. "You do realize that Adam is going to kill us. Right?"

He shrugs. "At least they bought pizza."

"You literally just had pizza for dinner."

He frowns. "So? There's no such thing as enough pizza, Em."

He slams the door behind him before going to greet the boys. 

As for me, I give the boys a tight smile while walking towards the front door to unlock it. 

I walk towards the living room, trying not to think about the number of felonies we're committing right now. I mean, yes, sure, we're in Lebanon but the boys are still underage. 

That and the fact that they all kind of smell. "Did they have a game or something?" I whisper to Logan.

"Don't be such a princess, Em." He rolls his eyes at me. 

That explains the unbearable smell of sweat.

I walk over the living room and open the windows, along with the balcony door. As I turn back, I feel someone's body pressed behind me- Logan's. I hold to my breath as his chest vibrates against my back. "You need to chill, honey."

My heart races quickly at the huskiness of his voice, at our proximity. I gulp, trying to hide how much my body craves him. I take a deep breath to compose my thoughts before slowly turning around. My nose is inches a part from his, and it's really fucking difficult not to look at his lips. 

Instead, I lean into his ear. I notice that the rhythm of his breathing is slightly heavier. It sends my stomach into knots. "I think that you need to chill, honey," I whisper in his ear before giving him a sweet smile. 

His eyes are fixated on me as if I'm the only one in this room, in this universe. "Wanna play a round of spin the bottle with me and the boys?" 

I raise an eyebrow at him. "What are we, twelve?"

He shrugs. "Not, but they are."

To be fair, they're like sixteen but Logan thinks that anyone that younger than him by more than a day is twelve. 

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