Chapter 46

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Christ, that was by far, the best sex I've ever had. In my entire freaking life. And I've had a lot of sex, trust me, so that says something. 

I glance down at Em, who is leaning her head against my chest. I'm not sure if she's asleep yet, but I can't resist the urge to run my fingers through her hair. "You're still up?" I whisper, just in case she's asleep. 

She hums, snuggling closer to me. My lips turn into a smile as she throws her leg against mine. "This is so comfy," I murmur, pressing my lips to her forehead. The smell of her shampoo makes me hard again - a mix of vanilla and lavender, a heavenly combination. "I can't believe you smell this good after the intense mind-blowing sex we just had," I add. 

"It's called having a basic hygiene practice. You should try it some time."

A laugh escapes me. "I probably smell like shit, don't I? In my defense, I did offer to shower before."

"How courteous of you." 

 "Fine, I'll take go take a shower now."

As I begin to get up, her leg squeezes against me and her arm holds me back. "You can't move now! I'm comfy."

I smirk, my fingers finding their way back to her hair again. So, I don't stink after all. She was probably just saying that to torture me. 

"I can hear you smirking," She says. Unfortunately, her wit is a turn-on for me. One of the things that I absolutely love about her is that she doesn't let me get away with shit. That, and the fact that she's a living teddy bear. I pull her closer to my chest. 

"All jokes aside, how was it for you? I'm sorry that I finished so quickly, I promise that I usually last longer," I confess. 

I am sort of embarrassed about that. I don't know what happened, it's not like it's the first time I do it without a condom. Mar and I never used condoms, like ever. But still, it never felt this good. I wasn't kidding earlier when I said that was the best sex of my life. 

She smiles against my chest. "You can be cute when you want to, you know?" She looks up. 

My fingers trail towards her shoulder down to her arm. "Is that a yes, Logan, you literally just blew my mind?"

"Are you fishing for compliments?"

"Yes," I shamelessly admit. "No, but all jokes aside, I just want to make sure that you liked it - that I made you feel good. You know?" I feel awkward and mushy by saying all of that, and in another world, I would probably be mortified over my words, but I just can't really give two shits. 

It's Em, she knows that I'm a goof and there's no use hiding it around her. 

She pulls away from my chest and raises her head to look at me. My insides tighten when her warm brown eyes touch mine. "I had the best first time anyone could ask for."

I grin and lean down to capture her lips with mine. "I'm glad. Because I think we're going to be doing that a lot more." 

She rolls her eyes at me and suppresses a smile. Before I can tease her more about it, my phone rings. It's next to Em on the counter. 

"Babe, can you please check who's calling?"

She reaches out towards the counter and grabs the phone. "Amy?"


"I haven't introduced you to Amy yet, have I?"

She shakes her head. 

"Well, do you want to meet her? She's my childhood best friend."

She shrugs. "Sure."

I put Amy on speaker. "Hey, Ames. What's up?"

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