Never one to disappoint as soon as we walked in some bold hoe walked right up to us and after mugging me she directed her attention to August. That was my cue to walk off by myself. I pointed to the store I was headed to and left him. Inside I went to the shoe aisle and saw nothing that stood out but that wasn't the case with boys. 

I spotted two guys in the store in the mans shoe aisle talking. One was black with dreads and he wasn't that cute but the other caught my eye. He was dark skinned with a low cute and looked like a model. I fixed my outfit and decided to be bold and walk past and as I walked by we locked eyes. I smiled in his direction before walking off. 

I found myself at the female clothes section and waited. It took two minutes and us locking eyes again before he finally approached me. He wasn't as tall as I would of liked him to be but he would do for the time being. 

"Hey," he flashed me a smile and I mirrored it.


"I'm Justin."

"Kassie," I smiled. 

The conversation flowed from there, he was funny and nice.  He didn't use any cheesy lines on me and he was really easy to talk to. 

"So I was thinking maybe I could get your number. So we can meet up, hang out?"

I hesitated and just as I was about to say fuck it and give it to him I felt someone wrap there arm around me and pull me close to them. I didnt have to look to know who it was, August.

"No ya cant cause shes wit me."

I glanced at August frowning but he was looking straight forward at the guy, "My bad yo', I didn't know she was your girl."

August just nodded and the guy didnt say another word or look back, he walked off. I watched him go in slight shock at what just happened.

"Get off me August," I pried his hands off of me and turned around crossing my arms over my chest narrowing my eyes at him.

"What," he shrugged like he had no clue.

"Don't what me, why would you do that?"

"You tellin' me you actually was feelin' him, that nigga was a lame."

"He was asking me out, not you so why do you care?"

"Yeah okay," he looked amused, "So were you really bout to give him ya number?"

"So what if I was," I shrugged. 

"Stop playin' you and I both know you wasn't gon' to."

He acted like he knew me or something when he didnt know anything about me. 

"Whatever, you don't know anything," I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms out of my chest.

"Stop poutin' and besides I was just tryna help you out. He just wanted one thing from you, take it from one nigga to another."

I rolled my eyes and walked away leaving him chuckling and following behind me. Just like he thought he knew me, I knew him to. I learned a lot about him in these past few weeks. 

He was 19, and so was his best friend D or Dorian. He lived by himself and has since he was 17 and he graduated just last year to everyone's surprise. He was a notorious player and obviously that wasn't a surprise but he claimed he never had sex without a condom and I guess I was glad that he was responsible. I also knows he talks to his mom everyday and visits her a couple of times a week and that little fact made smile. I also knew he knew exactly what to say and do to push my buttons....

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