第四十一話 | デクとかっちゃん

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"You," Katsuki called, walking up to Izuku.

"Meet me out front later."

He suddenly spoke lowly, causing Hanako to look over in confusion.

"We need to have a talk about your quirk."

"Um, okay?" Izuku said, his eyes slightly wide.

After everyone had fallen asleep, Izuku and Katsuki walked until they had made it to ground beta.

Little did they know Hanako had been following them, a bad feeling about what was to come.


"You brought us to...ground beta?" Izuku wondered aloud as the two (plus Hanako who trailed a ways behind them) stepped onto said grounds.

"This is the place where we had our first combat training. Where I fought you and lost," said Katsuki, looking down at the ground.

"You've always made me sick, you know that, right Deku? You were useless, no power at all, a joke. So now you're gonna tell me how you managed to get into this damn school with a brand new quirk that appeared out of nowhere."

Katsuki smirked slightly.

"I didn't understand what you meant back then because what you were saying made no sense. But still, you kept climbing higher and higher always looking so satisfied with yourself. Ever since that sludge villain, no, it actually started when All Might came to town, better and better until finally you passed the licensing exam while I failed. How the hell is that even possible?"

"That wasn't a matter of ability though-!"

"Shut up and listen, you damn nerd!!"


"It pissed me off that I'd been beaten by such a pathetic weakling, but after seeing All Might at Kamino Ward I began to understand."

Izuku gulped, suddenly feeling ten times more nervous.

"I've been giving it a lot of thought. You got your quirk from All Might, didn't you? He gave you his power. I heard about the boss villain. Apparently he has the ability to steal a person's quirk and give it to somebody else, which sounds kind of crazy, but then one of those old cat ladies had her power taken from her and can't work anymore. And then you met All Might, and you started changing, then he lost his power and had to retire just like her. I remember what he said after he beat the big bad, we all heard it. Back then, you were the only one who really understood what he meant. There's more evidence too like how those Nomu monsters have multiple quirks, even though it seemed impossible. Besides," Katsuki narrowed his eyes, "All Might and that boss villain knew each other before that fight. Quirks can move from one person to another. All Might knew the guy that could do it, and somehow it's all connected to what you said about getting your quirk from someone else. I asked All Might about this in a way, but he wouldn't give me a straight answer. That's why you're gonna tell me the truth," he demanded.

Izuku looked down, sweating nervously. What should he say? Katsuki had figured it out.

Hanako watched with clenched fists, worrying for Izuku.

"You're not trying to deny anything, which means I must be right, so say it."

"Okay, what if it's true," Izuku answered, clenching his fists.

"You and I both wanted to be just like All Might when we were growing up, but I was the one who had the potential. Then somehow a little nobody like you was singled out by the person I admired most and I didn't even realize it. That's why we're here. You and I are settling this, right here, right now."

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