" There's a guy in my house, dorm four actually and he hates Manhattan girls with a passion, I don't know his problem exactly but it might be related to this messy scandal."

" Hey wait." A thought pops into her head and she turns to look at him, " On our first day in the dorm, a brick came flying through the window and almost got Heather's head if not for Ashanti. Do you think he might be involved in this issue?"

" It's good you're telling me this so at least I'll know when something is off. Is there anything else?"

" Yeah, they keep talking about this Tigress."

" Wait, the school's mascot?" Kobby asks for clarification.

" Come to think of it I'm now realising that the Tigress could be related to the school's mascot, The Tigers. Wait, but they mention it like it's a cult or something not to forget about the flashing of lights I see every Wednesday and Friday night."

" You're still insomniac?" Kobby recalls.

" Periodically, I can't see much from where my bed is so at first I used to think it was probably some people who think they are lesbians getting it on with each other in the dorm...eeew, people do that?" Kobby cuts in in utter disgust.

" Hey, this is an all girls house in a boarding school, anything can happen and my Dad practically sat me down and had a very precise and detailed talk with me about morals in boarding schools and boarding houses so I am always on the high alert." Ciarra says in her defense, " But I have found out what happens on Friday nights but not what had been going on on Wednesday nights."

" What in the world do they do on Friday nights?"

" They go clubbing at an upbeat Tavern with a surprisingly secret illegal casino."

" Wait you were there, how'd you guys get past all the guards in this school at night?" Kobby is starting to get interested about how the girls could leave the house when they the boys had no clue.

" Turns out the guard at the third exit is pretty predictable with the flashing of his lights since the street lights there don't work. There's a door apparently in dorm one and three only that led down to an underground basement. The basement is a fashion house on its own, where they supposedly dressed up their queen for the annual Manhattan pageant. This room is mysteriously filled with draperies covering all the walls. Behind one of these doors is a door leading to a flight of stairs that goes all the way up to an outlet that leads to the third exit of the school." Ciarra narrates in a descriptive way.

" Man that's deep. So it's been there all these years?"

" I'm telling you so at least one person will know what goes on there just incase one of us disappears like she did."

" It's good you're telling me this and I'm always here to help if anything. You know that don't you?"

" Ofcourse" She grins and he pulls her in for a cuddle, " You're Kobby Johnson. You know I trust you right."

" Yes...I am very aware of that." He says and she stiffles a yawn and closes her eyes.

" Hey but what exactly made you think that Lester was charming?" Kobby suddenly brings up the topic again.

" Wait, wait...are you starting to get jealous already??" Ciarra opens her eyes and murmurs, " Well if you're so curious, I met his best friend Jayel and he said a lot of great things about him. You'll probably know him, he sits at the back with him."

" Since when did you start talking to that rich snob?"

" Who?, Jayel?, Oh yeah he came over to get information on Ashanti since she is my dorm mate but I told him to go ask her himself!"

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