[30] Village

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The next day, the team continued their journey. This time Freya told Eli to walk on her own as Freya carried Astra with her. Eli ended up using her wind magic to keep up with the others.

"Hey, look over there!" Eli alerted the others.

On their way to their destination, they saw a little girl stuck on a tree. Below that said tree surrounding the girl were some hungry hyenas.

"We have to save her," said the witch.

Freya was quiet. She kept running without even a glance back.

"Why? That person is not our main objective," argued Lilith.

"But that's a little girl. She's probably the same age as Evan. We have to save her!" defended Eli.

"Human have overpopulated the earth. Losing a life will actually bring balance to the world. Besides human died everyday," answered Lilith.

"That's insane! Freya?"

But Freya ignored Eli and kept her pace. The witch looked at Astra. She knew Astra would feel the same as her.

"Frey, we should help that girl," Astra requested softly while stroking Freya's fur.

In an instant Freya changed her direction. She dashed towards the girl and that made her outside Lilith's magic range. With her body exposed she leapt towards the hyenas at lightning speed. Astra held on to Freya tightly so she won't fall down.

The wolf scared the hyenas. They backed off but they were not going anywhere. Freya prompted Astra to get down and help the girl. After making sure her mate was safe, the big white wolf chased down the hyenas away. Her overall big physique alone was enough to threatened the wild animals. A few bites and growls were enough to make the animals ran scared.

In the mean time, Astra helped the little girl down. There was hesitation, but the girl followed Astra in the end. Not a second later, Eli and Lilith decided to join the group.

"Would you please warn me the next time you decided to change course," Eli said.

Freya turned back to her human form. Sweat was obviously drenched her hair. The werewolf walked over to Astra who had the little girl hiding behind her.

"Are you okay?" Freya concerned as she touched Astra for any possible injury.

Astra simply moved Freya's hands away and chuckled. "I'm fine, Freya. Thank you."

Eli tried to approach the little girl, but she ended up hiding if possible even further behind Astra, out of reach from Freya or Eli. The witch felt dejected. Then she thought of another way.

"What is that spell again? The one to translate stuff," she openly wondered.

"Your word is my word. Let me hear as you hear. Let me speak as you speak," came Lilith's reply not long after that.


Eli repeated after Lilith until the spell was casted. She tried to approach the little girl again. She tried to make her talk for the magic to work. But of course the girl stayed quiet and afraid. She only believed in Astra who saved her life, and Freya in her wolf form.

"We need to send her home," suggested Astra.

"How do we know where she came from if she doesn't even want to talk to us?"

"Come on, Eli. There has to be a way."

Freya approached the girl gently. She reached out her hand and actually smiled.
"May I?"

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