[12] Time

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Astra decided to warp their lunch in a basket. She wanted to show Freya one of her hiding spot and have a nice picnic there. Maybe even shared a few stories.

"Where are are going?" asked Freya as Astra dragged her around the park.

"A place I know. Just keep your eyes close. Oh wait...," the young teen teased.

"Haha. A blind joke, really funny," said Freya nonchalantly.

"Seriously tho, no guessing where we're heading either," Astra ordered.

Freya didn't say another word. She let Astra lead her. She was doing her best to block out most of her senses. Even though it was hard with her trained keen senses, but at least she tried.

She noticed Astra was busy buying stuff. After that Astra dragged her across town to the park where they met a few weeks back. Freya felt Astra brought her to some kind of rocky place in the outer park area. She was never been in this place before and she wasn't sure if she can appreciate the scenery.

"Careful for the sharp rocks," warned Astra.

"Are we there yet?"

"A little bit more just below this big boulder," assured the girl.

They finally reached their destination. It was a little hidden cave below the park. One of its sides had a hole which big enough to enjoy the setting sun, though at that time the sun was still up.

"Ta-da!" Astra announced as they reached the semi opened cave. "What do you think?"

Freya made a quick swipe across the room. "I don't know. It looked totally dark in here," she replied.

Astra quickly jabbed her elbow. "It is nowhere near dark! That's just how you see the entire world," mocked the girl which replied with a smile.

Thankfully the cave was dry, so they could set their picnic lunch. Freya set up the picnic blanket while Astra was getting out their lunch. Astra made sure she bought two plates of spaghetti carbonara, a bottle of coffee, and a jar of Freya's favorite chamomile tea. After the foods set, they both sat.

"It's been a long time since my last picnic, of course if you exclude eating a raw deer in the wild is a picnic," chuckled Freya.

The girl giggled. "Don't worry. I can assure you this one is better."

"How so?" Freya randomly asked.

"Because you can spend it with me," Astra stated. "Here open your mouth," she held out a forkful of spaghetti in front Freya's lips.

Freya flushed madly and covered her mouth. "Stop flirting if you're still going to hang my feeling."

"I'm not being flirty. Okay maybe I am," the girl guilty smiled. "Come on just open your mouth and eat it."

Freya finally faced Astra and accepted her offer. They continued to eat and teased each other for another hour before the food were gone. They sat side by side while drinking their beverage. All of a sudden it became quiet again between the two.

"Hey, I've been thinking," started Freya, "I don't want to keep you in the dark anymore. I want you to know me, the real me."

Astra looked at Freya, she readied her heart. The girl knew the story wouldn't be nice. She already heard a glimpse of it. So she took Freya's hand letting her know she's listening.

The older werewolf gulped her tea before she started story telling. "Before Freya, my name was Corona Parios. I had a father, a mother, and an older brother. My father was the Mystic Creek Alpha  and my brother was going to be his successor. We really looked like a big happy family along with the pack.

But it was all taken away from me. When I was twelve, a rival pack executed the entire pack. I'm alive because I wasn't near at that time. I didn't even hear their helpless cries. When I went home it was nothing but blood. I remember the whole pack was already brutally murdered and my house was in shambles. My entire family was humiliated and dead.

I remember crying for hours until there was nothing. When I went back to my senses, I was in another place. The worst is it didn't look any better than my home. It was already dawn when the witches found me. I could barely move any muscle. They took me to their place and treated me.

I don't remember what happen that time, but for some reason I feared myself. I really wanted to die and join my family just because of it. But the head witch thought it was best if I just sealed my wolf side. So she taught me how to lock Eirlys. I felt like I lose some of myself along with it, but I ratter lose it than have to remember anything that happen that night.

The witches took care of me for the next fifty years. Then I decided to start anew. I traveled town to town taking care of my own ass, until I found this place. I thought it would be better to stay away from humans. So I stayed for another long years before Eli came and I met you," told Freya.

Astra looked at Freya's dull expression. She knew it must be hard on the woman to relive her own story. She wanted Freya to know she wasn't alone. That Astra also felt her pain and suffering.

"I'm sorry," said Astra as she went to hug Freya. "I-"

"It's okay, it's over a century ago. In those times I learn to accept. The death of my family isn't my concern right now," Freya let go of the embrace, "What I need you to consider is my state. I'm not the same person anymore, not after I sealed Eirlys, not after what she'd done to the pack that killed mine."

"But isn't she is you?"

"That is why I'm confuse. I cannot separate her from me and you already saw how terrifying she can be. I don't want her, me, to hurt you in the future. I've been having less and less control whenever I'm near you, especially whenever I felt you in danger," admitted the lone wolf.

All of a sudden Astra slapped Freya across her face. "Enough! I told you before, I'm not a damsel in distress. I already felt attracted to you since the day we met. I admit your other side scares me, but it doesn't mean I'm scared of you as a person."

"So, what does it mean then? Because Astra, I want to protect you but at the same time I want don't want to let you go, I can't afford losing you," cried Freya.

Astra could clearly see Freya is shaking. It was hard for Freya because both choice kills her. While on Astra's side, she wasn't sure she can protect herself if Eirlys went berserk and there was her uncle and the whole vampire armies he brought with him. They both couldn't keep the other safe any way or another.

"I have decided. This is my answer," Astra inhaled deeply.

She moved her head closer until their faces were inches away before she closed the gap between them. It wasn't a long kiss, but both of them savor every lasting moments of it. Astra let go of the kiss and looked dearly at the stunned Freya.

"I want to stay with you. Whatever come at us, we can fight it together," stated the confidence girl.

Couldn't believe her own ears, Freya only nodded while wiping the tears that fall from her eyes. After calmed down she spoke, "I want you to repeat after me," she said to Astra while placing Astra's right hand to her chest and hers to Astra's,"I, Astra Faust, take Corona Parios as my mate."

"I, Astra Faust, take Corona Parios as my mate," repeated Astra with the same seriousness.

"I, Corona Parios, Alpha of Mystic Creek, shall take Astra Faust the half vampire as my mate and may our bond be eternal until the Moon Goddess calls upon us," Freya said finishing the vow.

Freya then placed her head on Astra's shoulder as she sobbed once again. Astra put her arms protectively around Freya as she rubbed her back.

"What's with you being mushy today?" teased the younger girl.

"I just never felt so relieve. Thank you for believing in me," Freya replied in between her weeps.

"Our path won't be smooth, but I'll try my best to support you."

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