[4.5] Date ver. 2

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A/N: it's not so different chapter from last. It basically have the same story as previous chapter only from different point of view. You are free to read or skip it.


[Freya's POV], Earlier that day few hours before the date...

I ran a few miles around the town as the sun arose. I shifted back when I arrived at the park. My clothes from this morning stayed. It didn't tear up when I shifted, not like in the movies, those were a bunch of lies. I didn't have much clothes in my place. My wardrobe consisted only T-shirts, shorts, and jeans. Like the one I wore today, which was tee and jeans. I'm blind, so I don't know colors!

I sat on the same seat as yesterday, so Astra could find me. I waited for my mate for a few hours, judging the sun was now higher. My hobby to bask in the sun was something I always do since little.

Finally she came. I noticed there's more excitement than nervous from the girl. I guessed I really should have thanked Eli for finding my mate. I smiled at her, she just could make my day better.

She approached me and greeted, "Hello!"

"Hello to you too," I said as I tried to figure out her choice of clothing.

She boldly took a seat beside me which I allowed since she's my mate. "So... How are you?" she trailed off.

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"Fine, fine," she answered and stayed silent afterwards.

We stayed like this for quite a while. I was not someone who like to talk anyway. Astra seemed to appreciate the silent between us. I could feel her, stared at my face for some amount of time.

"I have a feeling you like to stare a lot," I teased.

"I-It's just that you l-look beautiful in the sun," the girl stuttered while playing with her hair.

I mouthed her a thank you as the silent returned. Not long after, I could basically felt her gaze at my face again. I didn't say I hate it, instead it was hard for me to hold back my urge. I just wanted to squeeze her for being adorably cute.

Suddenly her hand reached out to the thing around my neck. Instinctively I moved my head out off habit. I just didn't like the sudden move which my body saw as a threat.

"I-I'm sorry. I just-" Astra tried to apologize but I stopped her.

"Don't be. It's my most prized possession," I said playing the necklace with my fingers, "my mother gave it to me, a long time ago."

"Oh. It's beautiful," Astra stated at the silver wolf head necklace.

"Thank you."

It had been a long time since someone mention at my wolf necklace. Mom gave it to me on my tenth birthday when I first shifted into my wolf. I usually would scold someone to just look at it. I even almost bit Eli's head off because of it, but I guessed Astra just different. We kept talking something stupid until I felt the sun at the top of my head.

"How about lunch?" I suggested.

Astra huffed, "lunch? I haven't even have my breakfast."

I stood up and extended my hand at Astra who took it, "then I know the perfect place."

I started walking, but Astra decided to 'guide' me through. She told me to hold her arm which I gladly clang really close. I meant who in their right mind would miss something this rare.

In return I told Astra the name of the restaurant. I had only been there once, that was when Eli forced me to come to her favorite place. The restaurant itself wasn't half bad. It might a little costly, but it was not like I use my own money. Just as I didn't have much clothes, I didn't have money either, so Eli gave me some of hers.

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