[2] Mate

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"Astra, how come you doesn't have a boyfriend?" a girl asked.

"You said it like it's a must, Collete," Astra giggled at her friend.

"Aw come on! Of course it is. I mean you're the most popular girl in school. Somebody must have made their move," the girl, Collete, rumbled on while nudging her friend's arm.

Astra let out a laugh, "you're overreacting. And my dad wouldn't allow any boys near me, you know."

"It's a shame really how harsh the world can be," Collete put her hand on her temple in a dramatic way. "Ugh, damn. I envy every part of your life."

Astra continued to laugh at her dramatic friend. They just finished another day being a high schooler and on their way home. They known each other for 4 years since middle school. Both were on their sophomore year now. As best friends they opened up about nearly everything. But there was a secret that Astra kept hidden from everyone, including her best friend, Collete.

It might feel weird, but Astra knew someone or something was lurking on them. Their parents warned her to be careful around any 'supernatural' creatures, especially werewolf. Her heighten senses alerted her of the coming danger. Unfortunately for her younger self, she barely noticed their movement.

On the other side of the school, near the forest, Eli and Freya were lurking in the shadow. After a moment of hesitation, Eli managed to convince Freya of her mate whereabouts. So, here they were near the said mate's school.

"There! That girl with golden blonde hair," Eli pointed at the girl who was impossible to miss. "So?"

"So what?" Freya asked confused by the witch's question.

"About her! What does your wolf say about her?" Eli responded half yelling.

Freya faced her deadpan,"you know that's not how 'my wolf' works, right?"

"Argh. Forget it. An old lady like you wouldn't even know it," Eli sighed frustrated, "okay, just let me approach the girl to help you realize. When you feel the bond you can come join me."

"Sure, whatever," Freya replied nonchalantly.

Using her magic, Eli changed her appearance and approached the girl. Her red hair put on straight down to her waist. She wore a casual denim jacket that covered her white T-shirt and a dark blue jeans with black Converse.

"Excuse me!" Eli called to catch the golden hair girl attention.

The girl and her friend stopped to look at Eli who was coming in their way.

"Hello, my name is Eleanor Reynolds. I just move here and I'm trying to find a good place to hang, you know like a cafe or the kind, but I'm having trouble finding it. I thought since it usually near a school I decided to come here, but with zero luck," she rumbled.

Collete and Astra gave each other a gaze whether to help this stranger or leave. Finally Collete spoke first, "yeah, there's this cafe that just open near here. We can show you the place since it's on our way home."

Eli broke her vision from the golden girl to look at the girl beside her. "Thank you so much. You save me," she clung her hands together.

Collete happily led the way. Meanwhile Astra kept her eyes on the stranger as she felt something off. Eli noticed the girl side glances and gave her a smile when she did it again.

After their ten minutes walk, they finally came down to a newly open cafe.

"There you go," exclaimed Collete.

Eli grabbed Collete's hands, "thank you. Please come join me. I feel bad if I let you go empty handed," she plead.

Collete looked troubled, but she was too kind hearted to say no. Realizing this, Astra put her hand above their entwined hands to separate the two. "Thank you for the offer, but we take our leave now," she said sternly.

Eli looked unfazed by Astra's glare, instead she glanced back at Collete and spelled a little bit of magic, "please. Just a cake, my treat."

Astra was going to utter another word but Collete stopped her, "why not, Astra? It's free anyway," she claimed almost robot like.

Astra raised her eyebrows at Collete, but decided to join in. The three entered the cafe and took a seat at one of the table. Eli went to ordered their foods and sat in between the school girls.

"This town is quite nice. I barely stay a few days but my head already full of inspiration," Eli stated while her eyes scanning the scenery.

"Inspiration?" asked Astra.

Eli glanced down at the girl, "yes. You see, I'm actually a writer. I think this town will do great for my next book."

"What kind of book it is?" Collete tried to get into their little conversation.

The waiter came with a tray full of their orders. After she put them down, she left back to her station. Eli started to digged in her cinnamon bun and gestured for the girls to eat.

"It's a supernatural novel, with werewolf, vampire, and stuff," Eli explained while side eyeing Astra's reaction with every word she uttered.

"You know such a thing isn't real right?" The golden girl commented, totally unaware she was already fallen for the witch's trap.

Eli showed a little grin and eyed the girl, "how do you know it's not real?"

"No one ever saw them. It's that obvious," Astra stared back.

"Just because there is no report doesn't mean they're unreal," Eli challenged back, "they can be here around us for all we know. Even you can be one of them."

Astra shifted on her chair at Eli's words. The older girl noticed the uncomfortable that had been taken Astra's body. This only teased Eli to push her around.

"Let say, what about a vampire," Eli hummed at the girl, "you definitely will make a nice vampire with your beautiful body and all, don't you think?"

Unfortunately the young girl couldn't take anymore comments as she afraid her secret would come out. Astra abruptly stood and place both hands on the table, shocking everyone except Eli. "I-I should g-go," she stuttered and ran through the door.

Collete immediately ran after her friend after she thanked Eleanor's hospitality. Meanwhile the older woman drank from her cup then giggle at the sight.

"Freya would love her," she grinned.

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