[19] Lilith

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[Astra's POV]

It had been two days since my uncle's attack. Everything was a mess. Freya hadn't shown any sign of waking up and even though mom's condition was getting better, she still need to lay on bed. Lastly, I didn't trust this vampire uncle set to watch us.

"I don't know what's wrong with her. It feels like she doesn't want to wake up," Eli informed me of Freya's latest condition.

"Thank you for staying with me. I need that right now," I said.

"She's struggling with her inner wolf," the vampire, Lilith, put her opinion. "Hi, I believe this is the first time we talk. You must be the wolf devoted which. Lord Nyx had a hard time finding Lady Astra thanks to you."

Eli looked at her with disgust. She definitely showed her hatred for vampire towards Lilith. Something that she never showed me.

"What do you want, Leech?" challenged Eli.

"I just want to know the people I'll be living with."

"No, that won't happen. Not on my watch."

"I'm sure you have no interest for me, but please keep in mind, I'm here for Lady Astra well being. And if it means to take care of the wolf too, I wouldn't mind."

"Oh yeah? I don't trust you."

"The wolf had severed her bond with her inner wolf a long time ago, am I correct?" guessed Lilith.

Eli stayed quiet.

"It is impossible for her to keep living like this, I'm sure you know it as well," she continued.

"What do you mean by impossible?" I demanded.

Lilith looked at me with a serious face. "To a werewolf, their inner wolf is part of their soul. If you cut the bond with the inner wolf, it's the same as cut your soul. Cases like Miss Wolfie here, can only last for long. If she let her wolf in control willingly, she would lose her body to the wolf. But if she refuses to give control, it will only be a matter of time before the wolf takes full control," she explained.

"Can you do something to help her?" I panicked.

I never thought it was that severe. Was there really no other options for her? Will Freya end up turning to that monstrous creature? I really didn't want to face that side of her again, the side that held nothing but destruction. I didn't want to lose Freya for this.

Lilith simply shook her head. "I'm afraid there is nothing we can do to help her," she stated which made me more desperate, "this is something she has to do by herself."

I looked at her confusedly. She was about to explain, but Eli cut her off.

"It means she has to face her inner demons. Freya is the only one who can save herself," explained Eli.

Well that didn't help with anything. One thing I knew for sure is that Freya scared of herself, what she's capable of. Behind her cold demeanor towards other or her loving attitude to me, she scared if someday she would hurt me by her own hands. And I would be crazy if I said I'm not scared at the slightest.

I didn't want to lose Freya and I was sure Freya doesn't want to lose herself either. I needed to find a way to boost her self confidence. If only I was strong enough to face her monster, at least Freya could be a little at ease.

I sighed. Enough. I can think of Freya later, right now my mom needed me. I bid my good-bye to Eli,  since I knew Lilith would just follow me, before I went to see mom. She was laying on bed weakly. Uncle Nyx's bite definitely took a toll on her.

"Hey, mom, how do you feel?" I asked when I entered her room and dad was with her.

"Just a bit anemic that's all. It's been a long time since someone sucked my blood," answered her.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't being careful enough. I let my excitement get the better of me as a result I almost lost you and Freya," I admitted.

Dad rushed to my side to comfort me like mom used to whenever I feel down. It was my fault she has to be bedridden for days.

"Sweetheart, it wasn't your fault at all. There is nothing wrong with being a little bit excited," he said.

"You can't blame over yourself for your uncle's choices," mom added, "I know Nyx can be... difficult at times, but he does what he did to protect his family."

"In what way is attempting murder counts as protecting family?" I retorted. "And now I even stuck to this stupid bracelet and his stupid servant!"

The silver bracelet my uncle gave me, which he used to teleport near me, was basically glued to my wrist. He casted a spell to make sure I wear it all the time, not even Eli can break his spell. To top it up, there was a small vampire who constantly on my tail.

Mom looked at Lilith who's standing behind me. I was sure she's listening to everything we talked about. Mom gave her a knowing smile before turned back to look at me.

"You should be glad. Lilith isn't as bad as you think."

I watched her questioningly. "In what way should I be glad to?"

"Lilith is my cousin. We grew up together along with Nyx. One thing I know about her is that she always has her own reason, and she isn't someone like Nyx," told mom.

I found it hard to believe her. Sure Lilith didn't seem to care that much. Up to now, she was only tailing me and barely spoke. She also didn't seem to constantly report to my uncle and gave me as much space as long as she could catch a glimpse of my hair. Maybe I should test the water?

"Maybe you're right," I considered. "I'll try to talk to her. In the meantime, you need to get well soon."

I gave dad and mom a kiss before I left the room. But not before mom asked another question.

"How's Freya?"

It was a simple question, yet I couldn't find myself to give a right answer.

"She's fine, mom. Nothing to worry about," I lied.

I couldn't afford to think of Freya right now. There was nothing I could do to help. My only hope was for her to hold on to herself. For now I better found Lilith.

"Hey, I just heard from mom that you're cousins. Does that mean I have to call you aunt Lilith from now on?" I asked when I near her.

She chuckled. "There is no need for that. My blood isn't pure, I don't deserve to be called your aunt, Lady Astra."

I tilted my head. She really is stuck to hierarchy.

"There's no need to be so formal then. Afterall, my blood isn't pure either," I stated.

She seemed to be thinking for a while. "I guess you are correct. But still, Lord Nyx ordered me to keep an eye on you and that is what I am doing."

"Okay, at least call me Astra. And also that person who you called Wolf, her name is Freya," I corrected her.

"Very well, Astra."

I hoped it's not a wrong move to trust her.


If you in Astra's position can you trust someone like Lilith?

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