Ch 20: Ghost Village (1)

Start from the beginning

Being asked by this question, Liu Xun involuntarily pursed his lips into a thin line.

Of course, it is opening the presents!

In the end, Liu Xun compromised with grit teeth,’’Okay, three wishes!’’

Wan Yu had no intention of pushing any further, therefore, he gave a smile as he patted his shoulder,’’Xu ge is the best!’’

‘’Now that you have compensated me, please go and deal with Shizun next!’’

Liu Xun,’’…’’

Liu Xun did not know whether it was a curse or blessing to remember everything so clearly and he did not even have a headache.

After waking up his mind was so refreshing that he wanted to cry…

Standing in front of Chen Shi’s study Liu Xun did not dare to go in. 

While on his way here, everyone looked at him like he was going into the execution platform…

To be honest, he also had the same thought QAQ

‘’Go in or go away, pick one.’’

All of a sudden, Chen Shi’s cold voice sounded from the inside causing Liu Xun’s heart to jump wildly due to the anxiety. 

However, he knew that he could no longer dilly-dallying, therefore, he took a few deep breaths before going in, and he instantly groveled.

‘’Shizun, I know I am wrong, please forgive me!’’

Chen Shi did not even glance at him as his eyes were still fixed on his book, he lightly said,’’What did you do wrong?’’

Facing this question, Liu Xun who had his head lowered paused for a bit before cautiously replied,’’I disrespected you.’’


Hearing this, Liu Xun really wanted to cry since he knew that Chen Shi was deliberately making things hard for him. Slowly lifting his head up, he gave a dry laugh as he hesitatingly said,’’…I called you a wooden stick...’’

At this word, Chen Shi suddenly lifted his eyes to look at Liu Xun which caused the latter to almost have a heart attack.

Seeing his foolish look, Chen Shi sneered,’’It seemed like I have been too lenient toward you.’’

After putting down this sentence, Chen Shi threw a letter from who knows where to his disciple.

Liu Xun reflexively caught the letter and confusingly looked over the content. There were only a few sentences but Liu Xun went stiff just after seeing one word.

Ghost village.

As a 21st century man, he expressed that he did not like this setting at all!

It was not that he was afraid of ghosts!

‘’Shizun, I think—‘’

However, Liu Xun had no chance to finish his words before Chen Shi mercilessly said,’’Solve this matter or else don’t come back.’’


‘’Ghost village?’’

Wan Yu mumbled this word as he looked at the letter in Liu Xun’s hands after he returned from their Master’s study.

Previously, Wan Yu was no longer Chen Shi’s disciple around this time, therefore, he did not participate in this mission. However, he did recall that his Master personally went to deal with this problem in his previous life proving that it was not a small matter at all.

That’s why Wan Yu was quite surprised that his Master actually let Liu Xun go there in his stead.

Wan Yu knew that his Master did not like to use the underhand method or being petty from being called a woode—Ahem. In any case, it shouldn’t be due to his pettiness so was he too confident in Xiao Xu’s ability?

While Wan Yu was contemplating, Liu Xun’s despair voice floated over,’’I am doomed…’’

He really did not like ghosts…

Seeing his despair look, Wan Yu appeased,’’Don’t worry, he did say that all five of us will go together so nothing will go wrong.’’

Only this fact comforted Liu Xun because Chen Shi did not let him go there alone to die but what worried him was that this Ghost village was never mentioned in the original plot so he did not know whether it was something easy to handle or not.

No, beside him is the male protagonist and he himself is the villain so they should be oka—

Wait—Most of the time, in the horror stories, only the protagonists survived in the end, right?

At this thought, Liu Xun once again became deflated as he sprawled on the table.

In the end, Liu Xun just hoped that he would meet pretty ghost sisters and brothers on his upcoming trip.

Three days later after the preparations were finished, Han Zheng, Su Ze, Ji Yan, Wan Yu, and Liu Xun departed.

Due to the long distance, Chen Shi lent them his high-level winged beast to be their transportation.

The beast was a giant eagle that looked imposing and quite handsome causing Liu Xun to look at it in awe.

Are you sure that Chen Shi is merely a minor character?! Look at how flexing he is!

Meanwhile, Wan Yu who saw Liu Xun’s envious gaze, slightly tilted his head,’’You like this four-winged eagle?’’

As if spellbound, Liu Xun honestly answered,’’Like.’’

Hearing this, Wan Yu carelessly said,’’In the future, I will let you ride a way cooler one.’’

Wan Yu’s contracted beast was a fire qilin, a divine beast so there was no need to say which one was cooler.

On the other hand, Liu Xun obviously knew that the male protagonist would contract with a fire qilin later on but he was not sure whether the day that he saw it was when they were sightseeing or fighting against each other.

At the thought of this, Liu Xun recalled Wu Jing’s contracted beast and went silent.

To go along with his image as a villain, his beast was not pretty or handsome like the protagonists.

Wu Jing’s beast was a three-headed serpent.

Recalling how it looked from Wu Jing’s memories, Liu Xun shuddered.

Too ugly! I will never ride it to fight!

The ugly three-headed serpent who has yet to meet its master,’’…’’ This Laozi also doesn’t want an ugly master!

The author has something to say:

Surprisingly, I saw that my stories were put in another website without my permission, therefore, I suggest you stop doing it as I don't want mine to be distributed elsewhere without my knowledge.

In addition, thanks for your well-wish and I already finished my exams so I can relax for a while but the updates might not come as I haven't written for a while so it took me another while to get the inspirations.

Lastly, take care of yourself, everyone.

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