Chapter 32

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I sit in the recovery room. They told me I'll be fine. I throw the bouncy ball up in the air.

I found it tucked it in my pocket and forgot about it till now. I catch it. They gave me pain medication and it seems to have worked well.

It has been a few days since everything happened. Luca and Jacob are busy helping set up the new plans to reconstruct the districts.

The door opens. I look over and Finnick stands there. He looks pretty much the same.

"Hey" he says.

"Hi" I answer.

"Do you still have that ball?" He asks jokingly.

"Yep, I was suprised too." I answer.

"So how are you?" He asks

"Bored, they haven't given me anything to do." I say

"Yeah it would get boring." He says.

"So when is Annie supposed to come to the capital?" I ask.

"She is coming today actually." He says.

"That is gonna be fun. Tell her to come by." I say

"I will." He says.

"Thanks for helping me out when the bombs went off."

"Well I promised to watch you so it was kinda my job, when do you get out of here?"

"Tomorrow, finally."

"Well I think Annie is actually supposed to come in an hour so she'll be here soon, but I have to leave and help clean up after the battle." He says getting up to leave

"Bye." I say as he walks out.

2 hours later

I wake up to the door opening quickly and a loud gasps. I jump and see Annie rushing over to me with her hands over her mouth.

Luca runs in follower by Finnick. I look at them both confused they just shrug.

"I heard you were hurt! What happened?!" She asks rushed.

"I'm fine. I just got blown back from an explosion. Pretty cool story actually." I say trying to brush it off like it is nothing.

She looks at my arm that is all scarred up.

"You don't look fine." She says.

"Wow thank you." I say jokingly

"I didn't mean it like that." She said

I laugh.

"I know. So what did I miss?" I ask her.

She looks at Finnick and smiles. He smiles back and I almost gag.

"I'm pregnant." She says.

"Really!!!!" I say my voice going up four octaves. Luca notices this and laughs at my voice change.

"Shut up." I say throwing my pillow at him before he can say anything about my voice. This causes Finnick and Annie to laugh along.

"How far are you?" Luca asks after he finally catches his breath and stops laughing.

"Five months." She says.

"Wow, only four more months." I say.

"Yep!" She says obviously excited.

"Have you picked a name?" I ask matching her excited energy.

"No I wanted to wait till Finnick got back." She answers.

She looks at him he smiles at her. I scoot over on my hospital bed allowing her to sit next to me. I stick my tongue out at Finnick he laughs.

"So how have you been?" Annie asks.

"Bored, very bored." I answer

"I mean physically." She says nodding at my scarred arm. I am glad she hasn't noticed the fading scar on my face.

"Oh right, they gave me a ton of medication, so it doesn't hurt. Kinda disappointing when the scars fade." I say honestly.

"Do they still give you medication?" She asks.

"Yep, although they give me less. So I think they'll completely stop tomorrow when I leave!"

"Your leaving tomorrow! That's good. Are they not gonna do anything about your cuts?" She asks.

"We made sure they didn't do anything more then keep them from being infected, and keep me from bleeding out of course." I answer.

"Why?" she asks

"Because I didn't want the scars to fade or worse disappear."

"Why would you want that reminder?"

"My family used to show off our scars, we got a cut one day you could bet that we would come home excited to tell the story. I guess I just want a cool story and the proof to go with it."

We talk for a hour until she has to leave. I fall asleep after a little while.


Sry I haven't been able to update for a while. I have been busy. I hope you liked this part.

Thanks for reading!

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