Chapter 19

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I lay in the ground my hair is thrown down, no longer in it's normal tight bun. But I don't even care enough to pull up.

Peeta is in the cell next to mine. Annie is crying she must have heard our screams.

I try to pull myself up to the wall. I barely get there and fall on the cell bars that separate us.

"Annie, don't worry your okay." I say my voice still miraculously calm and steady.

"Y-yeah but you a-aren't." She says motioning to my beat up body.

"Yeah I am. I'm talking aren't I?" I say.

"Aina, your bleeding." She says.

I put my hand onto my back gently. I flinch at the sting. When I bring it back my hand has a bit of blood on it.

"Just a little bit." I say.

She looks at me tears running down her face. She reaches her hand out and touches my forehead.

I flinch she says, "Aina look." Showing my her fingers soaked in blood from my forehead.

"It's fine. It will heal." I say casually.

I realize I am shaking but try my best to ignore it.

"Aina, if they don't get help for you soon. I t-think y-you'll die." She says.

"Annie, I won't die I promise." I say.

But u I know the loss of blood has already made me kind of light headed.

Peeta is unconscious in the cell next to me. Annie is sobbing now.

I sing her the song my voice cracking randomly throughout it. She falls asleep and I am left alone.

I go to my corner. Tears threaten to spill from the constant pain.

I don't know how long I sit there but I hear a thud from one of the rooms. I close my eyes trying to ignore the noise.

Then the door to my cell opens. A boy with brown hair and a gun comes in.

"I found the kid." He says to who ever he is with.

"Can you walk?" He asks.

I nod and stand up ignoring the pain.

"Then come on" He says and I rush out.

Peeta is slung over another guy's shoulder. Annie and Joanna run with everyone.

I race time as I run faster then most of the other people only the guy who came into my cell beating me.

I run in and everyone else follows. The guy looks at me and says, "Aina, right?"

"Yeah." I say my voice still calm and collected.

"Wow, I'm gonna be honest with you. I didn't think your brothers were telling the truth when they told me you wouldn't cry." He says.

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