Chapter 10

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I wait in the plane as they put the tracker into my arm. I flinch the second it touches me. Jacob doesn't seem to notice.

He seemed way calmer then I thought he would. Everyone sits mostly in silence but a few people talk.

"What's your token anyway?" I ask Jacob quietly.

He shows me a locket around his neck. He opens it showing me the inside.

On one side is a family picture with a little 6 year old him and what I would assume his mom and grandmother. They died when he turned thirteen.

On the other side is a picture that looks like complete chaos. It has each of my brothers in it and me on top of my brother, Kenneth's shoulders.

"My old family, and my new one." He says pointing to each picture.

I smile and say, "I remember that. It was before any of us were in the games. When I was like four, remember after the reaping we were all excited that no one got picked."

He laughs remembering how we almost burned down our house. I smile at the memory.

The plane lands and we are ushered off to our tubes. My stylist waited there for me to make some last minute tweaks to my appearance.

I end up going into the tube exactly as I came into the plane. It rises up and I anxiously play with the charms on my bracelet.

I look around I am surrounded by water. I learned how to swim when I was four my brother, John, took me out to the woods to swim in the pond and occasionally the river when it was deep enough. That is why his charm is a wave.

The cannon goes off starting the games. I dive in and start sprinting butterfly knowing it is the fastest stroke.

I get to the cornucopia, Finnick is already there. He looks at me impressed. Then Katniss comes onto the cornucopia they start talking and fighting. I sneak onto the cornucopia and grab as many knives as I can fit onto my belt and a spear.

Jacob runs toward me and motions for us to come into the woods. I follow him and swim to the woods quickly. Once we get there we immediately run farther into the woods.

We finally stop and sit down to breathe. We sit there in silence for a few seconds until we hear footsteps. He quickly climbs a tree well I hide in a bush. I keep deadly still.

Then one of the footsteps stops behind the bush I am hiding in. The person opens the bush.

"Don't kill me." I say in a way to demanding voice for the position I'm in. I look up and see Peeta standing above me.

He reaches his hand down to help me up. I hears Jacob jump down from his tree and greet Finnick.

I take Peeta's hand and he pulls me up out of the bush. Katniss looks annoyed.

"Allies?" Jacob says putting his hand out for Finnick to shake. Finnick shakes his hand and we are now part of an alliance.

I say, "Thanks." To Peeta.

Jacob is obviously thirsty and I know how he feels I am too.

"So we need to find some agua or uh water." Jacob says.

I am suprised he even remembered to translate.

"We are working on that. There hasen't been a single drop of water." Katniss says.

"Well maybe we just have to look harder?" I say

"That's what she said." Jacob says under his breath.

Finnick laughs and I shove him lightly. Katniss and Peeta look at us confused because they didn't hear what happened.

Peeta says,"Well let's go then."

We start walking. We walk in almost complete silence. I barely notice it though because I am to focused on finding water.

We keep walking well Peeta leads the way.

"NO" Katniss yells.

Peeta hits a force field and flies back. Katniss runs to him. She is freaking out. Finnick goes over to him and starts doing CPR.

Katniss runs over to him and tries to throw him off if him. I grab her arm and yank her away with all my strength. Which isn't much but it works.

I say, "He is helping him. See? He is doing CPR."

She finally comes to her senses and waits until Peeta finally comes back. I go up to Finnick and give him a high five knowing CPR doesn't work everytime and that no one really likes doing it.

When I was seven I learned how to do CPR and used it when Zach drowned. It worked but it was disgusting. Once Katniss and Peeta are all good we decide to stay here for the night. Finnick and Mags start weaving together leaves.

Jacob goes over to a tree and breaks off two branches. He throws one to me with a huge smile. I know exactly what he is referring to.

"Let's see if I am still the champion?" He says. Holding the stick like a sword.

"Don't get your hopes up." I say.

We start to fence like we used to when I was little. He still wins hitting me in the side with his stick. And Katniss walks in with a giant rat looking thing.

Peeta has the idea to throw it at the force field and it cooks. Burned on the outside but cooked perfectly on the inside. We split it up and eat. Jacob gives me some of his.

We get a parachute. Katniss grabs it quickly. She pulls out a small metal thing. We can't figure out what it is.

Eventually Katniss figures out it is a spile. They drill a whole into a tree and put the spile in. Water starts to flow after a few minutes.

We take turns drinking from it.

"I'll take the first watch." Katniss says.

"Are you sure? I could keep a look out if you want to sleep." I offer.

"Yeah I'm sure." She says.

I shrug and lay down. I fall asleep after a few minutes.


Finaly actually got to the games!!! Sorry it took so long. I hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading!!!

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