Chapter 19 - I Remember

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They ran out of the warehouse, and didn't slow down for a second. Despite how relentless and unforgiving the wind was, the pushed through. The soldiers' voices could be heard in the distance, and that made Allison keep going. She'd rather die in these sand dunes than get taken back to WICKED.

Newt was right beside Allison. Although he was growing tired, he kept up with her, their hands interlaced as the climbed up the dunes. Newt missed her warmth, her touch, her being right beside him, but he also felt immensely guilty. He had no idea what the doctors had done to her, and he wasn't even there to help her. She saved herself. Maybe if he had believed Thomas, then they could have gotten out sooner, and Allison and Teresa would be safe.

Allison heard the voices grow louder behind them, so she turned around. Through the wind, she could see many beams of light, all aimed at them. There were vague images of men walking and on vehicles scattering out to find them.

"Shit," she murmured with wide eyes.

"Come on, go! Go! We'll lose them in the storm," Thomas yelled at them.

They got over another dune and lay down to stay hidden. Allison shut her eyes and listened. The voices and growling of engines were growing distant, which must have meant that they thought they weren't here. However, she wasn't ready to risk getting up and being spotted. The only one looking was Thomas, and he was just beside her.

"Everybody, go, go, go. Stay low," he told them.

They all scrambled back and did just that.

They ran over another dune and the storm was getting worse. Allison couldn't see much anymore, but she could still feel Newt's hand in hers, and that gave her an immense amount of comfort.

"Teresa, hang on! Stay together!" Thomas's hoarse voice sounded from Allison's vague left.

"I think we lost them!" Minho yelled.

"Keep going, guys. Let's go," said Thomas.

"Watch out!" Minho warned.

"Where are we even going?" Allison asked.

"Come on, Aris!" Thomas shouted. "Let's go. Come on!"

Allison felt the ground lower beneath her, and pulled Newt down with her. Her vision cleared up. She spotted Teresa standing over a broken panel of glass that seemed to be apart of the roof of a building that was submerged beneath the sand.

"Come on!" she shouted, before shuffling her way in.

"Teresa, wait!" Thomas yelled. "Don't go in there!"

"Get down here!" Teresa called back.

Allison groaned as she slid down through the panel, following after Minho. If Teresa got them killed, she'd come back from the dead just to kill Teresa.

At the bottom, there was nothing but darkness. Allison listened as the rest of the Gladers slid down the mountain of sand to get to the bottom. Minho pulled out a torch and turned it on. The only thing they could see was rubble, and the remains of whatever this place used to be.

"Where the hell are we?" Minho breathed, but the echo made his voice a lot louder than it really was.

"We gotta go," said Thomas. "We gotta keep moving."

"No. Thomas, stop!" Teresa snapped. Thomas and Minho, who were both ready to continue walking, turned back to her. "Tell me what's going on."

Most would assume Allison was in the same boat as Teresa, but she had managed to figure out what was happening through the whole escape. WICKED had given her memories back, so she now remembered how horrible the whole organisation was. She also remembered that WICKED were planning to harvest children, so it was a good thing that the Gladers were trying to escape.

Till My Last Breath *DISCONTINUED*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt