Chapter 3 - Two Halves

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Allison spent the next week doing various jobs trying to find out what was the perfect fit for her.

After the Track-hoes, she spent a day with the Slicers. She met Winston, who was the Keeper, and found him to be quite nice and welcoming. He didn't pressure her to do anything she felt uncomfortable with, so instead she stayed outside with the animals, feeding them and cleaning up after them. But when it came to the slaughter, she could hardly stomach it. She ended up leaving early because the smell began to make her feel sick.

The next day she joined the Builders. She surprised herself with what she was physically capable of doing. She discovered that she was actually stronger than quite a few of the boys and she made sure Gally had no reason to snap at her.

The day after that was the day she joined the Med-jacks. She met Clint, the Keeper of the Med-jacks, and Jeff, the only other Med-jack in the place. Clint explained that there wasn't always much to do, since the only thing they usually did was bandage up Slicers, so they often helped around the Glade if there was nothing to do. That day, a Slicer happened to come in with a gash on his arm that was covered with blood, and Allison didn't hesitate. She used a clean cloth a put pressure on it to slow the bleeding, then put rubbing alcohol on the wound before wrapping it up with a bandage. Although it was a simple injury, both Clint and Jeff were impressed with how efficiently she worked, almost as if it were second nature to her.

She was working with the Baggers (which proved itself to be a waste of time), when Nick came running towards her. Running seemed to be his favourite way of approaching her.

"Allison! Come to the Council House!"

Allison followed Nick down to the Council house, having to sprint to keep up with him. Inside, Clint was stood with Newt and Alby, while the rest of the Keepers were seated along the steps against the wall. Newt gestured for Allison to take a seat on the bench that was separate for everyone else, which meant that this discussion was most definitely about her.

"Alright, shanks, Clint here wants Allison to be a Med-jack. Does anyone else want her for another job?" Alby asked the Keepers, keeping it blunt.

There was a brief silence before Gally stood up, which caught everyone off guard. He rarely ever wanted anyone to join him, and it was even more shocking since it was a girl. "She surprised me when she spent a day with me. She's strong, fast and efficient. You don't need much more than that to be a Builder."

Newt turned to Allison. "Since two keepers want you, which job would you like to do?"

Allison's gaze shifted between Clint and Gally for a few painfully long moments before she finally came to a decision. "Clint, you said that Med-jacks help around the Glade when there's no one to help, right?" Clint nodded. "Well, if I'm a Med-jack, then I can do that job, and help Gally out when he needs it. See? Everyone's happy."

"That makes sense," Nick said.

"I guess that's fair," Gally said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Alright, you're officially a Med-jack starting tomorrow," Nick announced.

Allison grinned and the boys all gave a cheer and smiled at her. They all proceeded to leave and Allison was going to follow, but a hand around her wrist held her back.

She spun around to see Newt staring at her with bright eyes. She suddenly became very aware of the fact that he was holding her arm, and as much as she didn't want to him to let go, she broke free of his grip.

"What's wrong?"

Newt suddenly found his voice had disappeared. What he really wanted to tell her was how fascinating he found her. He wanted her to know that although he couldn't remember, he was sure that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He wanted her to know that she felt like home, like his other half. He wanted her to know that she made him glad he didn't succeed in his attempt last year. He wanted her to know that in the short time they knew each other he had feelings for her. He was in love with her.

Till My Last Breath *DISCONTINUED*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin