Chapter 15 - We're free

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Every time they made a turn, Allison couldn't help flinching just in case she saw a Griever. I guess you could say that last night's events had an affect on her. Newt was staying by her side, near the back of the group. Allison was only at the back because despite being utterly terrified, she still felt obliged to protect the rest of the Gladers. Newt stayed with her because he wanted to do the same for her.

After what felt like forever, Thomas finally brought the group to a stop just before a corner in the outer parts of the maze. He leaned closer, but quickly retracted himself. Something was wrong.

"Is it a Griever?" Chuck asked, keeping his voice down.

Thomas gulped. "Yeah."

"Shit," Allison murmured.

"You take this Chuck," Minho said. He handed him the key to getting out of maze. He stared at it in bewilderment. "Stay behind us."

Allison could see the fear in Chuck's eyes, so she placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. Just stick with us." She gestured to Teresa, who was tying her hair back. Teresa nodded at the youngest boy, who then gave a nod of readiness.

Thomas leaned in so the group could hear him as he kept his voice hushed. "Once we're through, it'll activate, and the door will open. We stay close, we stick together, we get through this. We get out now, or we die trying." Thomas slammed his spear into the ground. "Ready?"

With a smirk, Allison drew her knife at the same time Minho did. The two shared an amused look before returning to the task at hand.

"LET'S GO!" Thomas bellowed.

The Gladers roared and stormed out, dashing towards the Griever. Allison, Teresa and Chuck kept a small distance from the action but not so far that the Griever would decide to attack the smaller group instead. Allison stared, lips parted with shock as the boys lunged at the Griever, refusing to back down as the Griever retaliated. They had managed to get it turned to the side, a fall to the depths of nowhere centimetres from the Griever's standing legs.

"Push it!" Thomas screamed. The boys tried, but it wasn't happening as smoothly as they had hoped. The Griever brought it's claw up and swung it on the Gladers, grabbing one and tossing him aside like a piece of trash. Allison felt her heart jolt as she watched, but there was no time to feel anything about it.

The Griever brought down it's claw into the ground right by Teresa and Allison, missing them by hairs. Teresa reacted quickly and sliced it with her knife, but in the process, she bumped Chuck and sent the key soaring, and landing on the other side of the platform.

"The key!" He cried out.

"Chuck! Watch the edge!" Allison shouted.

Chuck slid for the key, and Allison gasped as she watched Chuck dangle off of the edge of the platform. She and Teresa ran and dropped near Chuck, grabbing onto him to pull him up. Allison ignored the two Grievers that decided to back an unwelcome appearance, and used all of her strength to pull him up.

"We got you, Chuck!" Teresa yelled.

"Pull me up!" He shrieked.

They did just that. Allison looked over at the boys and saw that they had somehow managed to send the Griever tumbling over the edge of the platform. They looked momentarily relieved. It was a shame their bubble was about to be burst.

"They're coming!" Chuck bellowed. "They're coming!"

Allison, Teresa and Chuck sprinted towards the wall, as far from the Grievers as they could get and Allison refused to look back. As they did so, the key gave a beeping sound that seemed faint due to all the commotion. A series of walls began to lift, and Allison had the ghost of a smile on her face.

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