Chapter 24 - Promise Me That You Won't Hate Me

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Jorge drove the car up a winding road through a mountain range, but they soon found their path blocked by a series of abandoned cars left disarrayed in the middle of the road. The car slowed to a halt and everyone hopped out in order to assess the situation. In this world, anything could be a trap.

Newt watched as Allison hopped out of her seat and cautiously walked to stand beside Jorge, a limp in her step that somewhat mirrored his own. He couldn't help but notice that she had changed drastically since leaving the Glade. She had a lot more fire, bloodlust, and generally seemed a lot more dangerous than she ever did before. Of course, Newt couldn't blame her, or anyone for changing, but Allison was close to cutting Marcus's throat mere hours ago, and he knew that murder would be something that she couldn't come back from. He needed to be there for her now more than ever, so he stood beside her and brushed his hand against hers, just a reminder that he was there when she needed it.

"Well, I guess we're on foot," Jorge muttered, though his words were amplified by the echo that the mountains created.

The group continued to slowly weave through the small paths left by the cars. Allison stayed by Newt, the pair looking through car windows to see if anything valuable had been left behind, or if there was any hint of anything that could kill them.

In the distance, Allison could hear the cawing of crows, but other than that it was quiet, almost too quiet. She lifted her head up from a car's broken window to see Thomas raising his hand to touch a crack in a windshield. She looked closer and realised what created that crack. A bullet.

A whistle in the air instinctively made Newt grab Allison by the wrist and pull her to hide by the bumper of a car along with Minho, leaving her sandwiched between the two. The rain of bullets continued for a few moments until silence hung over them again.

"Hey, is everyone okay out there?" Thomas called out.

"We're fine!" Teresa responded from somewhere.

A least no one had been hit.

"Does anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt asked.

Allison pulled out a gun, cocked it, and aimed over Newt's head, up at the horizon created by the mountains. "Don't think it takes a genius to figure it out."

Very quickly, the gun was snatched out of her grasp by Minho and Newt pulled her back down by her jacket.

"What's going on with you, Ali?" Minho asked, exasperated.

Allison whirled her head around to face her friend, a look on her face that made her appear both disgusted and confused. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You're not normally this reckless."

Newt shushed them both, and that was they realised it had fallen quiet again. Barely moments passed before the bullets started to rain over them again. Allison held her arms over her head as a weak form of protection, deciding that she'd much rather have a bullet in her bicep than her skull. Soon after the mystery people in the mountains stopped shotting, she could hear faint conversation by one of the other cars, and after straining her ears to hear above the ringing in her head, Thomas's and Jorge's voices became clearer to her.

Jorge raised his voice in order to be heard by everyone. "Everybody! Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!"

Allison didn't question her instructions. She shifted onto the balls on her feet, ready to make a run for it, when suddenly she heard the unmistakable sound of a gun being cocked.

"Drop it."

It was a woman. Allison turned and looked up from where she was sitting, and there wasn't one, but two girls with scarves covering their mouths and noses, standing with rifles in their hands. The first girl had flawless bronze skin, and dark, braided hair that seemed to be tucked into her jacket. The second girl had porcelain skin. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail that had several strands messily left out. For whatever reason, Allison recognised these two girls even with their masks on, but why, and where from?

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