Chapter 6 - Two Halves Make a Whole

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Allison had been at the glad for nearly seven months and every day, she was loving the Glade more and more. However, she remembered that she needed to maintain hope that they would escape and finally be free; that there was another world outside of the Glade. If she let go of hope, she would accept the Glade as her home forever, and deep down, she knew this wasn't made to last.

She spent her day in the Med-hut, reorganising the supplies for the hundredth time. No one was injured, and no one was sick, so it left her and Jeff with nothing to do. And while Allison was doing something semi-productive, Jeff was sitting on one of the beds tossing a bandage ball up in the air and catching it repeatedly.

"Ali, you've put the cold medicine on the bottom shelf for the fourth time in the past hour," said Jeff.

Allison hung her head, her blonde locks falling around her face and she let out a heavy sigh. "There's nothing else to do right now! I don't know how you're just sitting there playing with bandages."

"Hey!" Jeff cried defensively. "It's one of the few perks of this job. You spend half your time doing nothing."

Allison rolled her eyes, shut the cupboards and stood upright. "Where's Clint? I haven't seen him since breakfast."

As if on cue, pattering footsteps drew louder until Clint appeared in the doorway, panting slightly. He wasn't very in shape.

"What's up Clint?" Jeff asked, hopping off the bed.

Clint nodded his head toward Allison. "You gotta come to the Council House."


"You'll see."

Clint took off, leaving Allison to follow him.

She walked into the Council House to see all the Keepers sitting on the steps, while Nick, Alby and Newt were standing up, each leaning against a different pillar made of sticks. The boys were smiling like elves on Christmas at her, and it made her rather uncomfortable, since usually the atmosphere in the Council house was tense.

"You got some good news, Princess!" Minho said from his seat.

Nick gestured for her to sit down on the bench, separate from everyone else, which she did. Alby clapped his hands together and took several steps toward the centre of the room.

"So, Shanks, Clint here wants to offer his position as Keeper of the Med-Jacks to Allison. All those in favour?"

Allison's breath hitched in her throat when almost every hand went flying up. She didn't know what she expected when she entered, but it most certainly wasn't this. The only person that was hesitant was Gally. Everyone eyed him, silently judging him, but with a sigh through his nose, he caved and raised his hand. Allison felt a smile stretch across her face as the boys who all – more or less – seemed to trust her with such an important job.

"So," Newt's voice made her feel warm. "Do you want the job?"

Allison's mind brought up the vivid memory of when Newt told her about being a Keeper just after being given the role of Med-jack. In that moment, she wasn't so confident in herself and her mind was still hazy after being sent up in the box, but she was also distracted by the brief moment of when she thought Newt would say something that she wanted him to say. However, things had changed since then and now Allison had learnt to suppress her emotions and accept Newt as her best friend. She was self-assured and had discovered that she knew a lot more about medicine than she originally thought. And if Clint was willing to give it up, then she saw no reason to reject the promotion.

"Of course."

She stood up and Newt pulled her into an embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist while she did so around his neck. She had to supress the shiver that ran down her spine as she felt Newt's breath on the back of her neck. She felt another hand on her back, and heard Nick's voice offering a congratulations among the claps of the other boys and general chatter.

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