Chapter 71- Finding Faith

Start from the beginning


The world was starting to turn once again for you and with the help of Katsuki, Hawks, and All Might, you felt the pressure of trying to get back into healthy shape. News of your quirk was still under lock and key, but you preferred it that way. You were terrified that if Nezu or Eraserhead found out that you were quirkless, that you'd have to give up going to UA...and maybe that you wouldn't be able to work for Endeavor anymore. If you couldn't do either of those, then it was akin to kissing your hero career goodbye. Despite your training and other various skillsets, it was painfully obvious to you that you grew dependent on your quirk and now you have to learn how to live without it. It was like losing a odd yet painful feeling of vacancy and loss that never fully feels comfortable again.

During the school days, you were home with Hawks who guarded you, trained you, and teased you as you had to complete make up homework assignments. Cardio, yoga, strength name it and he was pushing you. It was really nice having that downtime with Hawks and honestly it felt good to start working your muscles again. You wanted the security of feeling strong...the ability to fight back and take control of your life without waiting for someone to come save you. The fact there were people in your life willing to risk everything to save you was wonderful...but you knew you were more than capable of fighting back. You had to. You always were a fighter that clawed your way through life and with Hawks' talons at your disposal, he would make you a warrior yet again.

Since school had resumed for your boyfriend, he had to go back to the dorms with Midoriya, Shoto, Shinso, and all of the other students that were pulled out to fight against the Yakuza and Overhaul. Waking up alone was terrifying for you...and honestly your insomnia went through the roof. Every night you would curl up on your cold mattress, begging and bartering to whatever god that might be out there that you would be able to teleport right into Katsuki's arms again...

...but it never worked. And each night you would cry yourself to sleep alone.

Sometimes during the day you would take a nap with Hawks. He really enjoyed those moments after you finished your workout, showered, and ate when you would curl up with him on the sofa with a blanket and fall right asleep. You would lay right against his chest with his crimson wings curled around the two of you like a shield...and honestly, the safety of his embrace was what truly allowed you to sleep peacefully. With Hawks, you knew you were trusted him whole heartedly...and you couldn't have asked for a better literal partner in crime.

It was funny sometimes when the two of you would play games like texas hold 'em and blackjack. Hawks would beat you mercilessly at the games and the one time that you did beat him, he insisted you cheated.

"You're telling me that you didn't sneak a better card into your hand? There's no way you got four kings. You're a sly one kid, I like that," Hawks snickered to himself as he pushed the chips towards you. And by poker chips, you meant hair clips of various colors.

"Even if I did, which I didn't, wouldn't it be your fault for not catching it?" You teased back at the winged hero. His golden honey eyes were accented with narrow black lines just like sharp eyeliner that any pro makeup artist would die for. His dirty blond locks of hair were pushed ruggedly out of his face with the exception of a single wavey strand that dangled in his face. Little pieces of blond stubble from when he last shaved shadowed the sharpness of his jaw...and if you weren't dating Katsuki you'd find yourself completely enamored by his beauty.

"Oh? Is that how we're playing? You're a dirty one aren't you?" Hawks grinned back. 

"Oh shut it bird brain, you wish."

"Hey, can't blame a guy for dreaming hm?" Hawks stood up to curl his hand gently on the back of your head as he leaned over you to look at your dead poker hand. The round was over and he wanted to see for a fact that you didn't cheat. "Well, whaddaya bird tells the truth. Guess I gotta teach you how to be a better liar." You felt the stubble of his cheek on your own as well as the heat of his chest on your back. The scent of his woodsy cologne was drool worthy...and you just tried to hold your head on straight around him.

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