50• |Recapturing haven|

Começar do início

"I am sorry, I snapped! It's not like I want to press charges. I just feel that if Meira and chachu feel like doing so then I don't actually have any rights to refrain them from doing anything." Manik said as he held her hand again that was on the coffee table.

"Ultimately, it has to be your decision and I don't think I should interfere. But, I just want to say that, if you guys decide to go through with this then there's a good chance that this could last a couple of years. Agree to it only if you're up for something like that." Nandini obviously did not wish to impose on his family matters but again, Manik was her husband and she had every right to hold him back from doing something that he actually did not want to do in the first place.

"You should interfere, Nandini. If I do this then it's going to affect both of our lives so it's only fair if you weigh in too. And, I do understand what you're trying to tell me. Don't worry, I won't commit to anything without thinking it through. I told Meira that I'll need some time to ponder over this and also that I have to discuss this with you." Manik gently said because he realised that he had pushed Nandini away by passing that rude remark. While he said all that, his fingers were engaged in caressing her knuckles.

"Let's forget about this for now. We're as it is getting no time to spend with each other and when we get time like now, I don't think it's the best idea to start with these controversial issues. It is only going to make us argue." Nandini expressed. Manik nodded in understanding as he watched her finish the last of her sandwich and coffee.

"You're right!" Manik exclaimed after a few minutes passed by in silence which confused Nandini.

"About what?" Nandini quizzed as she retracted her hand away from him to wipe her mouth using the napkin.

"About us not getting any time to spend with each other. Lets not go home today. We can go on a long drive and have dinner outside or maybe we could rent a hotel room just for tonight. It's been a while since we did anything that's just the two of us so what say?" Manik suggested out of the blue. Nandini passed him a surprised look at his abrupt plan to ditch their home for the night.

"Both of us have to work tomorrow and what would I say to Amma-Appa?" Nandini might have uttered those words but her tone and the glint in her eyes said otherwise. She was excited to tear away from their tedious routine for one night and just be with him.

"Call your Appa and tell him that Cabir-Navya invited us over for dinner and we've decided to stay the night at their place. And about our work... It's my own start-up so I think I can manage losing a few hours which I can compensate by working tomorrow night. You can go to your office in the afternoon after lunch by taking a half CL and it's not like you have any important events lined up to take care of, courtesy your boss, anyway." Manik elaborated and by the end Nandini sensed how much Vivaan had actually pissed him off. She did not want Manik's mood to drop since he just came up with a beautiful plan for them so she did what she had to do in order to lift his mood. She got up from her seat and for once, ignoring the fact that they were in a public space, she leaned in to place a long and wet kiss on Manik's cheek thus causing him to close his eyes in ecstasy.

This woman had no idea what all she did to him in just one kiss. He felt the should skip the drive and dinner part to directly jump on the hotel room part just so he could have his way with her after what it felt like ages even though it was probably just three and a half weeks. He realised that he had never felt so drawn to someone in his entire life like he did to Nandini. She could so effortlessly turn him on in just one kiss which was again not even on the lips.

MaNan ~Inevitably Together~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora