Seducing an original

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The next day

•Chloe POV•

I opened my eyes. I sat up and saw that Rebekah wasn't there. I got out of bed and walked downstairs.

I heard Damon's music in the kitchen. I guess he came back earlier this morning. I walked in. He was making pancakes. I sat the bar. "Morning, sissy." He smiled. "When did you get back?" I asked. "Earlier when Rebekah was leaving." He replied. Not very specific. "Wheres Stefan?" I muttered, playing with my hair. "Something with klaus. But we want to try and get all of elena's blood back so he can't make anymore hybrids." He said. He handed me a plate of pancakes. "Thanks." I smiled. He smiled back.


I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me.

"You are my muse.. I feel so reckless." I sang. I went to my closest and picked out an outfit.

I got a pair of black jeans and a shirt. I changed .

I did my hair and makeup, then went downstairs.

I saw Bonnie, Elena, Caroline, Jeremy, and Stefan. "What's going on?" I asked. They all looked at each other. "Klaus has made 5 hybrids..." Caroline mumbled. My eyes widened. "What how?" I asked. "He made them last night." Stefan said. I sighed. "So what are we gonna do?" I asked. "We have somewhat of a plan." Damon said. We all looked at each other.


"Why am I always the one that has to deal with kol!?" I huffed. "He likes you, it's obvious he will listen to you." Bonnie said. I crossed my arms over my chest. "And what do I get in return?" I asked. "His number, I don't know." Damon shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "Fine. When is this all going down?" "We plan on doing it later tonight." Elena said. I nodded. "So how is this gonna go again?" Jeremy asked.

"Me, Damon, and Bonnie are gonna go to the Mikaelsons. We're gonna take out the hybrids and then hopefully Klaus. Elena will be with Elijah, Chloe with Kol, you will all be with Chloe while Caroline will be with us as well." Stefan explained. Me and Jeremy nodded in sync.

Seducing a mikaelson. Shouldn't be that hard. Right?


I waited at the bar for the guest of honor

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I waited at the bar for the guest of honor. I was in a normal outfit, like what I would wear every time I went to the grill.

I tapped my fingers, non stop. I then heard the door open and heard his breathing. My vamp hearing works whenever I don't want it to.

I felt his eyes lay on me as he walked up. I bit my lip and waited for my plan to begin. But then, I felt his hands rest on my hips. "Hello, love." He whispered into my ear. I felt his breath all the way down my neck. "H-hi Kol." I muttered. "What are you doing all alone?" He asked, sitting down next to me. "Just wanted to get out. What about you?" I replied. I rested my head on my hand and stared into his eyes. "Just out for my nightly drink." He smiled. I nodded.

We continued to talk about the randomness things.

And I actually enjoyed his company.


We giggled as we made our way to my front door. The plan had worked perfectly. Damon and Stefan had texted me when I 'went to the ladies room' and told me that they were able to take down Klaus. They didn't kill him, but he is temporarily dead. They got all of elena's extra blood and plan to just get rid of it.

Jeremy went home when I walked out the bar with kol. So he went and picked up Elena.

Now, i can do whatever. "You see, I'd let you inside, but my brothers are probably in there." I giggled. "It's fine, love." he smiled. I smiled back. I waved goodbye and walked inside.

Damon and Elena were cuddled up on the couch, a sleep. I smiled. Jeremy must have dropped her off. I went upstairs and made it into my room.

I closed my door and hung up my bag on the hooks. I through off my shoes and sweater, leaving me in my jeans, bra, and messy bun. I flopped onto the bed. "Why do I miss him?" I asked myself. I heard my window open. I sat up on my bed. The window moved back and forth from the wind. Someone vamp sped in front of me. I gulped. "Who's there?" I mumbled. No response. Probably Damon messing around with me.

I went and closed my window when I felt someone staring at me. I turned around and saw kol sitting on my bed. "Does it really take coming through a window to get in a girls bedroom?" He giggled. I smiled, then covered my chest. "Kol, I have no shirt." I turned around. "I don't mind it." I heard him. I could feel his grin. "Whatever, just don't tell anyone you saw me like this." I turned back around. "Secrets safe with me." He smiled. I sat down next to him. "So, what brings you up to my very old bedroom?" I asked. "Just wanted to tell you that you looked very pretty tonight." He said. I immediately blushed. "Why thank you. You don't look to bad yourself, Mr. Mikaelson."

I smiled. He stared into my eyes. I then felt him start to tickle me. I started to giggle. "Ok, that's enough." I chuckled. He continued to do it. We then fell back, filling the room with laughter like it was just us in the world.

He was soon tickling me from on top. "Kol! That hurts!" I laughed. He stopped and put his hands on either side of me. "I just love your laugh." He admitted. "And I like your... hmmm." I said. "I like your smile." I said. He smiled, giving me butterflies. I noticed him staring at my lips, as I stared at his. Maybe just one kiss.

I pulled him into a kiss. I felt him smiling as our lips pressed against each other. I grasped his hair. He pulled away and looked at me. He cupped my face and kissed me again.

This is a dream.

first gif is Chloe
I also included the song Chloe was singing on the top. It's called 'fallen' by why don't  we. Go check it out!!
I'm really enjoying this story so far. Thank you so so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Make sure to comment, like, and follow❤️

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