Chapter 6

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Clyde tried his hardest to listen to you as you explained your organization process and the way you wanted everything set up so that everyone's opinions and suggestions could be taken note of, and he really did want to do his best for you - but concentrating was really goshdarn hard when you looked like that. You weren't even trying. Prison regulations didn't let you dress any which way but you somehow managed to make the conservative outfit sinful. Clyde almost preferred it. More fun to imagine what was underneath sometimes. He was happy to note that he desired you as much in this outfit as he had in that pretty little number you wore to the fair.

Clyde nodded along as you talked, doing his best to not ogle you outright like he wanted to. Hell, if it were up to him you would have already been naked and bent over the table, but Clyde knew you deserved better than a quick rut in a prison building (assuming you even wanted him like that). You were certainly friendly and inviting, but you were that way to everyone and Clyde had never been much good at the whole flirting thing.

When you finished talking through your directions you both settled into a comfortable silence as you worked. Clyde was thankful he had half a mind to continue tuning in and out of the conversation enough to understand what you wanted as his mind wandered. He would have been embarrassed if you had had to repeat yourself and he didn't want you to think he wasn't paying attention because he didn't care.

The plan was to first go through everything and sort them into piles depending on what the suggestions or comments were about, then every one of them had to be written down so you could both sort through what was reasonable and within budget constraints, and finally you'd both narrow it down to a couple of options and have inmates vote on their favorites.

Clyde was pleasantly surprised at the different ideas that had been presented, ranging from leadership courses to technical classes that would secure inmates future jobs as electricians or carpenters, to starting a pen pal program through an organization that already did something similar between volunteers from the community and local inmates.

It was nice to see the residents of the correctional facility have motivation to change their lives after leaving. Oftentimes it was hard for previously incarcerated individuals to find a place after being released and there weren't always a lot of halfway houses, rehabilitation/re-entry programs, or jobs for them when it was time for them to go. Without the right resources many ended up on the streets or back in jail.

As Clyde considered all of this, he began to feel guilty about his own situation. He had willingly been incarcerated to only commit further crimes. What would you think of him if you found out? You spent so much of your time helping others become motivated and reach their true potentials, and here was Clyde, acting like everything you probably hated. But it was for a good cause. It was for Sadie. Surely you would understand that?

Clyde was getting ahead of himself. You'd barely spoken once you started working and he hadn't made any headway so far in getting to know you. Plus, maybe it wouldn't have to come to that. Maybe Clyde would never have to tell you. He knew that wasn't right and if something happened that he would hate lying to you, but for now he had to focus on actually making something happen.

Stay strong, Logan. She's just a person. A sexy, curvy, goddess of a person. But a person nonetheless. Keeping this in mind and figuring that a few open ended questions couldn't do too much harm, Clyde finally broke the silence. "So, are you from around these parts? I've lived in Boone County my whole life and I ain't ever seen you 'round here."

You looked slightly startled that he had talked, but regained your composure quickly when you smiled and answered, "No, I'm actually from the city. I moved here when my brother, Paul, was relocated from another prison. I needed a break from the faster life of the city and my brother needs the company, even if he won't admit it. Figured since I didn't have anything tying me down anywhere that this was a good move. Haven't been here too long, though."

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