Chapter 28

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Your POV:

A date. A real date. A proper real date.

You felt like you could squeal from happiness, excited as you were. It's not even that you were going on a real date, necessarily.

Every date and moment that you had had with Clyde felt "real" to you because for you it had always been real. You had felt that he was yours, even in the beginning stages of your entanglement. He was yours and you were his, simple as that.

But now he had proven that he still wanted you, still chose you . Now that you were out in the world, where he could have anyone he wanted - he still wanted you.

That was enough to make you feel tingly and nervous and warm in all sorts of ways. He wanted to show you off, wanted the world to know you belonged to each other, and that's all you wished for, too.

Clyde had asked for the evening off tonight so you could go to a drive in theater. They were going to be showing old movies and you were going to be packing a little dinner and snacks to go - even though you were hoping that there would be less watching and snacking and more kissing.

Something about the intimacy of watching a movie from your car while still having people around you that could potentially look over and see you making out was exciting to you. You secretly hoped that someone would look in, so they would know that Clyde was off the market so to speak. You needed everyone to know Clyde was yours.


By the time the evening rolled around, your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest.

You were ready - everything was packed up into a cooler, you were dressed and shaved and had put on a little make-up to draw attention to your most attractive features. You were even wearing a matching set of bra and panties which was unheard of before you started seeing Clyde.

Something about him made you want to dress up, though. You knew he didn't care about any of it but you loved to see the way his hungry eyes devoured you as soon as you walked in to see him. His possessive, darkened gaze always sent the most delicious shivers up your spine. And the little way his breath hitched whenever he undressed you like you were his favorite present that he'd been waiting for all day? Nothing compared.

You had to go pick up Clyde since his license had been revoked, but you didn't mind. On your way over, you idly wondered if maybe sometimes you should borrow his car instead for dates. You didn't want him to feel all cooped up in your smaller car. You wanted Clyde to be comfortable and relaxed, especially since he was prone to being a worrier.

When you were outside of the bar, you parked the car, too impatient to see your sweet bear to wait. You loved seeing him behind the counter - the easy smiles, the confidence with which he made the drinks, the way he'd always look after you even if there were other customers around.

Since the day he'd gotten out, you'd spent most of your evenings in the past week hanging around. With any other person, you would have felt a bit like a creeper stalking her boyfriend or lingering around her property, but Clyde made you feel like it was the greatest part of his day.

His face always lit up when you walked in and his eyes on you were so intense sometimes that they made you flush. They always promised more for later - more touches, more kisses, more love.

Well, maybe not love. Even if you were thinking the big l-word in the safety of your mind, it didn't mean that he was. You tried not to get too ahead of yourself with Clyde, but it was inevitable sometimes. He just made you feel so seen and so utterly cherished. You just hoped that he would feel the same.

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