Chapter 4

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 Jail was not all too different from juvie in Clyde's opinion. It was the same bad food, solitary lifestyle, and endlessly boring cycle. Clyde thanked his large stature for keeping him safe and his quiet nature for keeping him out of trouble. Both things he had hated about himself as a lanky overgrown teenager but grew to appreciate as an adult.

Though his size was an asset out in his daily interactions, it came back to bite him in the ass when he had to sleep in the small uncomfortable beds offered by Monroe Prison. At least it was only for a short while this time around.

Clyde had only been incarcerated for a day or two when he started hearing some interesting whispers. Apparently there was quite the lady librarian who ran things around here. They said her brother was locked up here and that was why she worked at the prison part time as a tutor and the librarian, spending time between her main job as the county librarian and time in Monroe's correctional facility as the new head librarian.

She was popular among the inmates and was said to give some killer book recommendations. She was the one who had been behind the Game of Thrones craze that was currently sweeping the facility. Clyde had been surprised to find that so many of these tough men held her in such high esteem, with many even starting to work towards their GED under her guidance and tutoring. Because a big part of the GED was obtaining hours in the prison's literacy program, many who didn't have her as a tutor still interacted with her on a regular basis to talk about books, join reading clubs, and to generally enjoy her good company. Whoever she was, Clyde was sure she was some woman.

Well, if Clyde was going to spend ninety days in this cramped shoe box of a room, he might as well get some good reading out of it. While he did have some work to do with Joe Bang, it wouldn't be for some time that things had to be officially set into motion. This offered Clyde the opportunity to visit the small library and see what all the fuss was about.

By the time he was escorted to the small room lined with books he was starting to get nervous. Clyde wasn't sure what came over him but he was feeling anxious about meeting the librarian that everyone talked about. She was clearly well liked and respected, something rare behind bars for women who worked in the system, especially if it wasn't automatically coupled with objectification.

What he didn't expect was you perched in a corner organizing the books. Clyde's first thought was: damn. And his second thought was: well, at least it's not her husband she's visiting.


The guards left Clyde there standing awkwardly in the door frame, saying they would come back and get him when Miss Y/L/N rang a buzzer that let them know you were done. Otherwise he was free to do as he pleased in the small room, and could choose up to three titles a week or five magazines. If he was interested, the library was currently open to inmates looking for more work hours but he'd have to move fast because only ten inmates at a time were allowed to work there and the spots filled quickly with this new librarian.

Clyde wasn't sure quite what to do. You were still concentrating on your task of putting away some books and pulling out others, oblivious to your newcomer, and he didn't want to startle you with his presence. He knew what he would look like to you, big and intimidating as he sometimes seemed. It wasn't something Clyde did on purpose, he just couldn't help the permanent grumpy scowl that seemed to settle on his features most days.

"Ma'am?" he called out gently, hoping to get your attention. Clyde was a little surprised you were so unaware of your surroundings considering where you worked. Guess that took a lotta trust in the inmates. Clyde took a second to appreciate that about you. It wasn't like most people to treat those who were incarcerated like the real human beings they were.

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