Chapter 5

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 Clyde woke up the next day feeling conflicted again, but this time struggling between feeling satisfied and embarrassed. It seems that in the night, his wet dreams about you had been subconsciously acted out when he rut into his pillow until he spilled all over himself, causing Clyde to wake up to the tight feeling of dried cum on his skin.

While a part of Clyde was happy that he didn't have to deal with painful morning wood, the logical part of him was ashamed as he cleaned himself up and changed out of his ruined clothes. He would really have to learn to control himself around you. Clyde hadn't felt this horny since he was a teenager. At least in this correctional facility inmates did their own laundry. Clyde was pretty sure he would die on the spot if anyone else spotted the state of his jumpsuit.


Once Clyde was done getting ready and had had his breakfast, it was time for his first shift with you. The whole way he was escorted to the library he focused on steadying his breathing. Wouldn't do him no good if he passed out in front of you because he'd worked himself all up into a tizzy.

When he got there, you were working over by one of the few computers in the space with another inmate. While the rational part of him knew you were most likely helping the man complete some assignment or tutoring him, Clyde couldn't help the jealousy that bloomed and made his heart tighten. Why did you have to be so damn nice?

Where he once was impressed just a day ago at the way the other guys raved about you and what a difference you'd made in your short time here, he was now sickened at the thought of anyone potentially thinking of you as anything more than the friendly librarian. Didn't they know Clyde was going to make you his?

But Clyde knew better than to stomp over to where you were just doing your job and snatch you away. So he waited patiently by the door until you were done so you could give him some instructions.

By the time you looked up and saw Clyde, his fingernails were dug so deep into the flesh of his hand that he had almost made himself bleed. Clyde watched the way your delicious hips swayed as you walked over to him with a big smile on your face and sent a quick prayer up to the heavens that he would be able to make it through the day with an angel like you.

"Hiya, Clyde! Sorry for the wait. Joel over there can never figure out the computers for when test time comes." you laughed.

Sure, he can't, Clyde thought bitterly, but offering you a small smile instead.

You clapped your hands together, and rubbed them together as if in anticipation as you continued, "I've got a big job for you today, Clyde. You're going to be helping me look through the suggestions for our next couple of projects. Some of them will be about special interest groups, others about classes people would be interested in having here, and the last group will be about the next reading club. Do you think you're up for it?"

Clyde just about lost it when you offered him a cheesy grin and a wink. God, you were cute. Thankfully, Clyde managed to speak this time without sounding like a total fool. "Yes, ma'am. Happy to help."

"Great! Let me get the papers and some notepads and pens and we can go."


"Yeah, we'll be doing this work in a space next to my office so we have room to spread out. Nancy will come around and take care of things while we're gone. You're here for like four hours, right?"

"Sure am," Clyde offered in his usual drawl, trying not to let the excitement he felt in his body at having some alone time with you show in his tone.


You grabbed a thick stack of crumpled pieces of paper and two legal notepads, as well as several pens, "in case they run out of ink which always happens around here" you had said. Clyde offered to carry some of the stuff for you and so you directed him towards another thick stack of pieces of paper.

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