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(Y/n) POV
Once I had agreed to the testing, they continued to have me face off against the teachers almost daily.
Whenever they wouldn't be teaching a class they would be fighting me.

Though it was rather unsuccessful, non of them could beat me in a one on one fight.
Same with group fights as well, though they did come close to injuring me a handful of times.

The villains hadn't come either, since I was staying most on campus it seemed they didn't want to come in.
Or I guessed they had an alarm system for when they would come.

"(Y/n)? So when you were back at home, what was your team like?"
I was sat in the common room now with almost all of the students surrounding me.

It was their lunch break so I didn't mind talking with them all.

I learned Deku was slightly like Merlin with the amount of notes he would take.
Todoroki was more similar to King, where he would think through everything before attacking.
Bakugo was similar to Ban with the whole 'attack first and think later thing.'
Ochaco was like Diane with power but didn't really know how to use it.

And a few of the other students reminded me of the sins but they weren't as direct connections.

"My team was an immortal, a fairy king, a giant, a mage, a demon, a goddess, a doll, and a human with a power like yours."
I explained simply as I relaxed back on the couch.

Deku was sat beside me with the arm rest on my other side.
The rest of the class was all spread out on the floor, on the rest of the couch, or standing beside it.

"Ha! How could a doll do anything?!"
Bakugo seemed to calm down slightly now with me around. Apparently I could check his overwhelming ego a little bit.

"He can use mind control, he doesn't have to fight."
I said simply while the rest of the group got sparkles around their heads in awe as I spoke.
Bakugo scoffed slightly at my words but I didn't think much of it.

Soon after I watched them all panic as the alarm went off.
They all sprinted outside to then see a cloud of black smoke in the air.

The kids all froze watching the cloud dissipate.
The teachers all rushed over to the area now and were staring with their powers ready to go.

"You know (y/n), you're pretty hard to find from across worlds."




I yelled flying up to the small demon and tackling him to the ground, the ground broke below us but I didn't care.
I couldn't bring myself to care, I honestly thought by now that it was useless to try and find a way back home.

"(Y/n) you knew we couldn't just leave you here, I hope you haven't been too much trouble."
Meliodas said in his cheery as ever voice while I got off him.

"Where the others? Did you find Estarossa?"
I questioned offering him a hand up while the people around us were all just staring in awe.

"They're back home, and we did a few hours after you both disappeared. He was much easier to find, though Merlin did mention a little something to me."

He said as I tilted my head and shifted my weight to my back foot to look at him.

"You could've gotten out of here with your sacred treasure, she made some modifications for portal use before this whole thing happened. But she couldn't tell you before you got taken."

Meliodas explained gesturing to my necklace I was wearing, that was my sacred treasure Merlin had given to me.

My face dropped now looking at him with a small glare.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Nope, not at all. Now who are these people?"

Meliodas broke me from my focus now motioning towards the groups of people.

"These are the students and teachers here at U.A. Highschool. I've been working with them, apparently they have powers here as humans."
I explained while Meliodas held his thumb against his chin in a fake thinking gesture.

"Ah I see, so can they beat you then?"
He chuckled while I smacked him upside the head with a small giggle escaping my lips.

"Not by a long shot, but I guess I should introduce you."
I said now turning back to the groups of stunned teachers and students who were all just watching us.

"Everyone this is my Captain, Meliodas the sin of wrath. Meliodas this is everyone."
I purred while Meliodas waved happily to the groups now snapping them from their trances.

Bakugo yelled once he got his composure back while I sighed and rubbed my temple.

"Can you show them your assault form?"
"Would you like to finish your mock battle with me instead?"

Meliodas offered his hand out to me as I grabbed it and looked at the teachers.

"Would you all like to see us fight? Captain here is the only one who's ever beaten me before in hand to hand."
I giggled while they all nodded furiously and immediately started ushering us towards one of the training domes.

The students followed us fairly far behind all of us.
Though I was a lot more relaxed then Meliodas seemed to be.

"Captain relax, they couldn't hurt either of us. Their powers are strong but they couldn't kill a red demon, let alone hurt us."

I assured him while he sighed to himself and showed his usual toothy grin back at me.
"I take it you've been fighting quite a bit then."

He said simply as we walked through the campus, he was looking around somewhat but mostly just trying to relax.

"They insist I fight against them, they like the practice I guess."
Shrugging we made a left turn to enter into one of the domes.

The students and teachers all went up to a bleachers area while Meliodas walked in front of me now and turned to face me.

"No holding back Captain, I want them to see what a real fight looks like."

I snickered as he nodded now with a narrow gaze on me.
My mark burned as I went into my assault form, he did the same but his darkness spreading across his body.

His eyes went black and he chuckled lowly seeing the kids all terrified of him now.

~Devil~ |Dabi x SDS!Reader|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon