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Author-Chan's notes
• I kinda just wanted to write a bit of a crack fic with an SDS!Reader x Dabi thing so here's that. I think it would be interesting to see what would happen when an unbeatable Sin comes and fucks shit up in their world ^-^•

All outfits shown in cover, it'll probably be the same one the whole time ngl ¯\_()_/¯

P.s- This story turned out a lot longer than I expected so that fun :3

(Y/n) POV
"Eli do me a favor and follow close behind, I'm not going to take it easy this time."
I snickered back at the goddess, she gave a small mumble back while facing the commandment of love.

"Not holding back? Should I be insulted Princess?"

Estarossa chuckled to himself while cracking his knuckles and neck.
His smirk still plastered on his face, it seemed he'd never lose it.

"I don't think it's insulting, more or less, determined if you want to put a label on it Esta."
I couldn't hold back laughing slightly at the man who stood before me.

"Eli as I said, I'll do as much damage as I need. You heal either of us before the other gets too badly beaten, yea?"
Turning my head back I watched Elizabeth nod with a small frown.

"Alright lady (y/n)!"
She yelled back at me, much to her own dismay.

"Come at me then Esta, I need a little fun~"
I purred moving my darkness to my hands to form claws and wings on my back. My eyes darkened black with my mark burning on my forehead.

"You asked for it Princess!"
He yelled flying directly at me, it was pretty easy to dodge.

Only problem was, he flew directly into a portal behind all of us.


My blood boiled, and my hands gripped together clenching hard enough to draw blood.

"Tell Merlin to come find us later! I'm not losing him again!"
I screamed frantically at Elizabeth who was biting back her tongue. Tears were in her eyes and she seemed to try and reach out to me.

It didn't work.

We both went flying through the portal, I had never seen one like this before.
Sure, Merlin had tampered with portals before but this sure as hell wasn't one of hers.

"Esta! Give me your arm! I'll get us out of here!"
I yelled down at Estarossa but it seemed he was unconscious.

"Fuck my life."

Mumbling to myself my wings shredded through the portal going down to his body.
"Esta god damn it! Wake up! I'm not letting up on you just because of some stupid portal!"

My fist clenched as I felt him wake up and try and swing at me.
His smirk returning to his face, with my lips curling into one as well.

"Fuck close your eyes!!"

The end of the portal was near and I knew that you never open your eyes until you knew your surroundings. Plus the light was incredibly blinding for a person if you were to keep your eye open through the portal.

"Princess where the hell are we going?!"
He finally said once noticing we were inside the portal and not just staring at me.

"You think I have any idea?! Just close your eyes!"
He did as he was told while I followed suit, we both got flung through the portal now in mid air.

Both of us were able to fly now above what looked like a bunch of buildings.
"We're not in Britannia, this isn't our world."

Estarossa commented with us both hovering above the city.
"Merlin will get us back. For now, let's continue shall we?"

~Devil~ |Dabi x SDS!Reader|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon