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(Y/n) POV
I turned around to see Dabi, standing beside me with the rest of those people I saw in the bar with him.

"Mmm hi~"
I purred feeling his arms wrap around my waist, though this time it felt more forced than before.

"I see you've taken a liking to Dabi, you should just join us and you two can live happily ever after."
The blue haired guy from before offered again while I looked up at Dabi.

"I told you I only serve my Captain, I may have a liking towards Dabi but I would still kill all of you the moment you piss me off."
I snarled pulling Dabi closer to myself and smirking against his chest.

"I'm sure you couldn't take us all at once, your only real choice here is to join us. Dabi wants you here with us, you could have him if you want him."
The blue haired guy offered as what felt like a last resort while I looked up at Dabi, he nodded simply.

"I will kill you all, non of you could kill me if you tried. Though I'd offer you to try if you're threatening me."
I smirked seeing all of them fume as I let go of Dabi and he stepped back.

"Fine then."
He said while the all came at me, it was a pitiful attempt.
The blonde girl just tried to stab me but she got blown back, the morphing guy got his chest ripped open, a lizard dude got his neck slit though didn't kill him, someone threw a marble at me but it didn't do anything, and the blue haired guy tried to touch me again

"You all are annoying me, I like him, but the rest of you piss me off."
I seared throwing the blonde girl away from me again, now basically chucking her across the city.

"I'm not joining anything. Dabi I'm tired of listening to them, I don't know how you deal with it. It's getting pretty annoying and this is only the second time I've seen them."
I questioned Dabi while slashing through another clone thing.

"I'm not sure."
He chuckled while I gripped on to the neck of the dude who threw a marble at me.

"Well as far as I'm concerned I want to just go home, I want to sleep."
I sighed throwing the marble dude away from me.

"I can tell, I'm sorry you can't."
Dabi said while the others seemed a bit too tired, they were too beaten up, or bleeding too much to fight me any more.

"It's fine I guess, I'm going to go sleep for a while. You stay safe yea? I'll see you later Dabi~"
I purred to Dabi as he nodded and I jumped off the roof to fly back to the school.

It wasn't a long flight from the city to the school, but I did notice that I had some cuts on me.
Healing them I dropped down and walked into the dorms area again.

All the students were in the common room when I walked in.
"Where were you?"
Eraser said from behind me as I flew up and sat down.

"Downtown, also what is it with your villains and offering me to join them or talk to them or something, it's rather annoying."
I sighed quietly while he gave me a worried look.

I was lucky that the kids didn't hear me talking.
"They found you again?"
"Yea same with a dude in a plague mask, they both want me to join them. It's incredibly annoying to hear over and over."

I said simply while he ushered me outside to talk privately.
"I will need you to stay on campus, these villains want you because of your powers. We can't have you being lost to them."
"I told you before, and I'll say it again, I only listen to my Captain. It will always be that way."

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