11:Coronation & Celebration

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    After their rest, they once again gathered inside the palace for the coronation of Queen Mal. King Ben walked with her until they reached the place where the crown and the wand stood. Fairy Godmother was the one who also blessed Mal like what she did to Ben, not so long ago.

After blessing Lady Mal, she opened a glass container with the Queen's crown in it. She took the crown, and placed it on Mal's head.

And there she was titled, Queen Mal of Auradon and the Isle. She began her small speech.

"I want to thank all of you for gathering here. But, before I begin, I would like to decide on something as queen. I would like to call my cousin, Uma." Mal began. Uma was clueless but she did was she was told. She walked to Mal. She bowed to her. Mal bowed back.

"Yes, your majesty?" Uma asked. Mal gave her a warm smile.

"You have proven yourself as a strong and brave leader, Uma. You are a born leader. And don't be surprise, but I am going to make you, Queen of the Isle of The Lost." Mal announced. Everyone cheered.

Her crew, even chanted their motto!

"We ride with the tide!"

Uma can't help but smile even wider. She turned to Mal.

"Do you accept it, Uma?" Mal asked gently.

"I can't believe this is happening. But, yes. I do." Uma agreed. So much to her surprise, they already made a crown for her.

Fairy Godmother blessed Uma, as queen and captain of the Isle of the lost. Then, she put the tiara with designed shells on Uma's head. Perfectly matched with her gown and dress for later.

Then, Uma hugged Mal. Mal hugged her tighter.

"Thank you, Mal." Uma said. Mal shook her head.

"You achieved this, Uma. I believe in you." Mal complimented. Uma grinned.

"I guess being wicked best friends and cousins ain't bad after all." Uma replied. Mal giggled.

"And I guess, you already have your king." Mal teased, while motioning to Harry. Uma playfully rolled her eyes.

Uma went down and sat back between Harry and Evie. Mal continued her not-so-long-speech. After that, you know what it is! Party time! With a little serious this time, of course.

"Okay, let's go and have this party started!" Evie declared. Queen Mal and King Ben agreed. They all made their way to the front of the castle.


Melody and Gil chatted during the party but they can't still feel normal when the other is there. So with the help of the V.K.'s, hey made the two lovebirds feel less nervous with each other.

With that, Melody and Gil had their first kiss as a couple. They did'nt care even if everyone was watching. So maybe you know, what they felt. True Love.

After that, Mal sang for everyone. And it's actually her favorite song. Wanna know? Here it is!

"If only I know what my heart was telling me, don't know what I'm feeling is this just a dream? Ah-oh, yeah-"

"If only I could read the signs in front of me, I could find the way to who I'm meant to be. Ah-oh, if only..."

Everyone clapped and cheered for the couple. Ben once again, kissed Mal.

Meanwhile, they had a music break. Freddie was the DJ. Then, she thought of an idea. She put the music down low, and spoke to the mike.

"Attention! I just wanted to play and sing a song that my sister and I made. Is that okay, your majesties?" Freddie asked. They nodded and smiled.

"I would like to call, Uma, my sister." Freddie said. Celia cheered. Uma shook her head.

"Come along, Celia. You know this." Uma suggested. Celia nodded.


The sisters hugged with joy. Then they all danced. Melody and Gil danced happily.

"I love you, Gil."

"I love you too, Melody."

Then a slow one played. Making everyone teased each couple. Uma and Harry smiled at each other.

"I guess I forgot telling you about the ring I gave you, my queen." Harry remembered. Uma smirked.

"You did forget."

"That means... I love you." Harry said. Uma always got that nervous feeling but she didn't pay attention to it for now. She smiled.

"I love you too, Harry."


"That's my name."

They laughed. Then they had their first real kiss, that both of them knew. Making the crowd tease them more.

Audrey and Chad had a deep conversation.



"I want to tell you something."

"Me too."

They both smiled.

"Let's do it once." Chad suggested. Audrey nodded.


"I love you!" They said in unison. Chad smiled wider. Before he could talk, Audrey connected her lips to his. She backed-up, making Chad stunned. They laughed.

At that moment, Doug kneel before Evie. She was surprised. He pulled a royal blue diamond ring.

"Evie, will you be my queen?" Doug asked. Evie nodded happily.


With that, they kissed and hugged each other. Mal and Ben congratulate her sister and Doug. They started singing again.

And that was not the end yet. They enjoyed the evening together! Of course, Evie and Doug will have their wedding. Carlos was working on how to propose to Jane. Jay too have the same idea for Lonnie. Gil and Melody wanted to enjoy their relationship before the wedding. Uma and Harry are happy together, and now that Uma is the queen of the isle, Harry makes not just her first mate, but her king. Audrey and Chad finally found love in each other. Well, sounds like the end already right? Not yet!

DESCENDANTS 4 (A Descendants fanfiction by LittleMissEina)Where stories live. Discover now