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    After the fight, the pirates went the other way. They followed them. But Harry called them. They turned to him.


"Why?" Mal asked.

"That is where the ship stands. We need to be careful." Uma said.

"Right!" Ben said. They walked to the place. Suddenly, Uma stopped Harry. He turned to him.

"Harry, I need you to hold this for me." Uma said. She gave him her necklace. His eyes widened.

"Why?" He asked.

"My mother knows it's with me. This is the best idea I can think for now. Please hide it. She will take it from me." Uma explained. Harry was about to complain, but Uma stopped him.

"I trust you. You are my first mate." Uma reassured him. He grinned.

"Okay, captain."

Uma nodded and went off. He was about to follow when he felt dizzy like what Audrey felt before.


The gang slowly followed the pirates. They were met by another group of pirates. Actually, they were Uma's crew. Desiree, Jonas, Gonzo and the rest of the crew gathered around their captain.

As soon as they understood what was happening, Uma noticed something.

"Wait, where's Harry?" She asked them. Looking around, she thought she left him.

"He might be around." Gil said. Uma shook her head.

"He can't be alone. Even now. It's too dangerous." She insisted. Mal, Evie, and the crew changed looks. Uma understood.

"Gil, Desiree, come with me. Let's go back."

Gil and Desiree nodded. They went back. Uma stopped when she saw Harry held his hook with her necklace on it. She motioned them to stay. She slowly walked towards him. He caught her.

"Harry, what are you doing with that?" Uma asked. He grinned devilishly.

"Oh, captain. I am going to give this back to your mother. She needs it. It is part of our revenge remember?" Harry replied. She was startled.

Harry walked near the rock and pulled the necklace above the seasalt water.

"Wait no! Stop! I'm your captain. You should listen to me. Not to my mother." She tried to say.

"What about our goodness? Is it only an act? Are you with me, captain?" He asked without hesitations. Uma tried to think what was going on.

"Well, for that. I will give you a minute to think." He demanded.


Meanwhile, Mal and Evie witnessed it far away. Mal called Uma. Uma took her phone. She turned her back on Harry.

"Uma, I know what's going on there." Mal said.

"What is it?" Uma asked.

"You need to do it." Evie said.

"Do what!?"

"True love's kiss." Evie said sweetly.

"Works all the time." Mal added. Uma was sure to do it. She needed to, for her first mate. And for the shell necklace, of course!

"Okay, okay!"

With that, she hang up. Then she turned back to Harry.


At Auradon Prep

Doug and Jane tried to hide their nervous feelings for the whole gang and crew. They tried their best to act normal with the other V.K.'s.

DESCENDANTS 4 (A Descendants fanfiction by LittleMissEina)Where stories live. Discover now