two | dangerous liaisons

Start from the beginning

Rebekah replied, "Ah, Kol, you know I can't be compelled."

Finn only eyed his younger siblings with a smirk on his face, just as Klaus quickly entered the room with a door slamming against a wall before he asked Rebekah, "You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?"

While Annabelle looked away from the woman that was painting her nails and looked between Klaus and Rebekah, Rebekah smiled to herself as she said, "Here we go."

Klaus asked Rebekah, "Do you want another dagger in your heart?"

Then Kol asked Klaus, "Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?"

Klaus turned to Kol and said after he eyed him, "Oh, go back to staring at yourself."

After Klaus turned his back on Kol, Kol replied, "And who are you, my father?"

Klaus turned to look back at Kol as he said, "No, Kol, but you're in my house."

Kol stood up and started to walk towards Klaus as he said, "Then perhaps we should go outside."

Annabelle slowly tilted her head and narrowed her eyes as she stared at Klaus and waited to see what would happen, only to quickly look away from Klaus when their mother entered the room and yelled, "Enough! Niklaus, come."

While Klaus walked after their mother, Annabelle only chuckled to herself and Kol slowly turned around and smirked after their brother.

Rebekah, Elijah and Finn only shared a glance, but didn't bother to say anything about the matter.

* * *

While Annabelle walked with Rebekah towards the Mystic Grill, she couldn't help but eye the people that they walked past and openly stare at their necks in the process.

While ignoring Rebekah's constant reminders of their mother not wanting any of them to harm the locals, Annabelle said to her, "Remind me again why you wanted me to join you? I don't really see the point in me coming along with you, if it means that I can't tear into anyone's throat."

Rebekah replied, "Because, Annabelle, I need to find myself a date to the ball and you need to find one for yourself as well."

With a scoff, Annabelle said, "A date that I can't even kill by the end of the night." When Rebekah only sighed in response to Annabelle's words, Annabelle asked her, "What's the point in me even getting myself a date to this ball? We all know what I'm like when it comes to humans. I always end up ripping out their throats, even when I don't mean to. So what makes you think that someone's throat won't end up being ripped out by the end of the night?"

Rebekah replied, "Because Mother doesn't want you to. She wants us to be at peace with the locals here."

With a scoff, Annabelle asked her, "And why should I give a damn about what she wants? There have been many things in my life that I have wanted but I never got, so why should I give her what she wants? Why shouldn't I just spite her for the sake of her failure as a mother?"

Rebekah said to her, "Her failure as a mother? She was a mother to all of us. How could she have even been a failure to any of us?"

Annabelle replied, "You forget, Rebekah. While she was a mother to the rest of you, she never was one to me. As far as I'm concerned, the bloody bitch could be killed again and I'd be fine with it. After all, we've spent over a thousand years without her. I don't see the point in her returning to us now after all this time."

Rebekah opened her mouth to respond, only to stop when she heard a voice say from inside of the Mystic Grill, "Elena, when you and Matt kissed for the first time freshman year, you called me the second it happened. And I don't hear about this until now? And from somebody else?"

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