twenty | after school special

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With a sigh, Annabelle stared down at Elena, who was seated at a table in the library, and started to drink out of the blood bag that Rebekah had decided to give her after convincing Annabelle to join her in this apparent class that she needed to start at Mystic Falls High School.

It wasn't until after she had seen Rebekah drag Caroline Forbes into the library that Annabelle sighed once more before she asked Rebekah, "Remind me again why you thought that having me join you here would be a good idea?"

Rebekah scoffed before she replied, "It's not like you have anything better to do with your time." When Annabelle only scoffed to herself, Rebekah asked, "Or am I wrong? Is there something you've been planning on doing while I was daggered that I don't know about?"

Instead of verbally responding, Annabelle only shook her head in response before she went back to drinking out of the blood bag, while Rebekah simply sped out of the library in search for her apparent final student of the day.

Despite Rebekah's apparent reasoning for why Annabelle was needed to be inside of the school, Annabelle still failed to understand just why she was needed in the first place.

After all, she was the one who learned of Rebekah being daggered, and yet did nothing about it, so she didn't see why her presence was even needed in the slightest bit whatsoever.

However, before she could think any more on the matter, Rebekah had quickly entered the library while forcibly making Stefan walk alongside her.

It was a result of seeing Stefan being brought into the library that Elena slowly stood from her seat as she said, "Stefan."

In response to that, Rebekah asked Elena, "Did I say you could move?" After Elena had sat back down into her chair and Rebekah had suddenly shoved Stefan towards the table, Rebekah slowly walked around the table as she said, "Class is in session. You've all been compelled. You know the rules. Answer my questions honestly, no disobedience, no one leaves."

While Annabelle only sighed to herself before she reached her hand into the cooler that Rebekah had also given her and pulled out another blood bag, Rebekah said to a young girl that Annabelle didn't recognize, "April, my sweet, take notes. This is how you get answers in this town."

As Rebekah started to walk around the table once more, Rebekah said, "Let's start with a little quiz. In the year 1114, my brother learned– thanks to yours truly– about a Brotherhood of vampire hunters with tattoos that grew with each kill. And these tattoos reveal what? Elena?"

Elena told her, "A map."

Rebekah asked, "Which led to, Caroline?"

Caroline told her, "A cure for vampirism."

Rebekah replied, "Perfect. So we're all caught up." Then she said to Stefan, "Stefan Salvatore, the last time we saw each other, you had a vampire hunter, but in order to decode the map, you needed the location of the hunter's sword, which you got out of me using some very dirty tricks. Assuming you found the sword, you must have found the cure, and yet you're all still vampires. Which means something went wrong."

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