thirteen | the rager

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Known by those who either met Annabelle Mikaelson or simply heard of her, there were one of two things that were well known about her

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Known by those who either met Annabelle Mikaelson or simply heard of her, there were one of two things that were well known about her.

The first being the deadly game that she created back in 1114 shortly after Klaus had undaggered everyone but Finn after they all had experienced the sentence of a dagger to the heart for the first time.

The second being the incredibly long list of things that she hated.

Whether it was witnessing more parents harming their own children or coming across witches that intended to harm her didn't matter.

All that mattered was that those who unknowingly pissed off Annabelle in one way or another would meet the same exact fate.

They would all be dead.

Whether it was from having their hearts ripped out of their chests, their heads rolling off of their bodies, or being dismembered while still alive didn't matter.

In one way or another, they would all be killed.

Of course, there were the rare times where she'd either rip their heads off with her bare hands, or just have their heads fly off of their bodies after she swung a bat at just the right place on the sides of their necks.

Despite all of those actions resulting in the deaths of her victims, the only difference between all of them was that the last two only occurred whenever a chosen victim would beg for her to kill them and make their deaths quick the moment that she actually managed to drive them mad after spending either days or mere hours torturing them.

In Annabelle's opinion, it didn't quite matter just how long it took for her to reach her goal.

All that mattered was that her own chosen victims would be dead by the end of the day and they would've been driven mad by the time that she was finished with them.

And it was that very goal that she was attempting to reach with her current victim, who just so happened to be someone who apparently had the information on where all of the witches and their covens hid themselves away, while she was daggered for the past two-hundred and ninety-two years of her life.

Unfortunately for Annabelle, the young man just refused to tell Annabelle their whereabouts, and it was his refusal that forced her hand and got her to torture someone again in an attempt to retrieve information for the first time in two-hundred and ninety-seven years.

Despite it being almost three-hundred years since she last tortured someone for information, the act of torturing him herself was still quite as easy as it was back in 1713 when she and her siblings first arrived in New Orleans.

The only issue was him actually telling her where the witches were hiding and why they wouldn't just reveal themselves to her.

And it was his refusal alone that made her hands clench into fists and caused her to slowly start to shake as the slowly boiling feeling of her anger from deep inside of herself grew more and more with each passing minute.

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