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While twirling a knife around her fingers, Annabelle did nothing but listen as Kol said into the phone, "So let me get this straight. Not only did you fail to find Alaric, seeing as how he was already dead, but you did kill a good amount of people who tried to take you with them, and the members of the council blew themselves up recently?" When Annabelle only said 'mm-hmm' in response, Kol said, "Well, I suppose that's unfortunate for you."

She replied, "It is, and it is quite unfortunate for the ones that had gotten themselves blown up."

When Annabelle chuckled to herself, Kol asked, "Why do I feel like you've left something out?"

Annabelle smiled to herself as she said, "Why, indeed."

With a sigh, Kol said to her, "Annabelle." When Annabelle only chuckled to herself once more, he said, "Just come out with it. What have you not told me?"

She replied, "Oh, not much. It's only the fact that the council not only blew themselves up, but they had also blown up all of the vervain that they had with them."

Kol asked her, "There's no more vervain in Mystic Falls?" When she said 'mm-hmm' in response, he said, "That explains why you're in such a good mood. Now you can do as you please and kill whoever you wish, without having to worry about the probability of being burned by vervain."

As she ripped the duct tape off of each and every single one of her victims, she said, "You're right about that one, brother. I can do as I damn well please and not have to deal with any of those bloody imbeciles any longer."

Just as Kol was about to respond, he suddenly stopped when he heard a scream.

With a sigh, he said to her, "I take it you're enjoying yourself, now that there is no vervain that could be used against you."

She replied, "I am. Now, as much as I'd love to continue speaking with you, Kol, I'm afraid that I have far more important matters to attend to."

He asked her, "Important matters like what?"

She told him, "Like finding the very person who is behind the frequent flashes that I keep seeing, no matter where I am."

Before Kol could question what she had meant by the frequent flashes that she'd been seeing, he stopped himself when Annabelle had suddenly hung up on him.

While Kol started to wonder what she meant by the flashes that she was seeing, Annabelle stared at her four victims with a bloodthirsty grin on her face as her veins came onto display.

Just as the victims were about to beg for her to spare them once more, they stopped themselves and started to scream when Annabelle started to tear into the neck of the eldest in the family.

And from that moment on, their screams only grew louder until the head belonging to her final victim suddenly rolled away from his body and over towards where Annabelle once stood and simply lied there, completely still with no more movements whatsoever.

* * *

After downing a shot of bourbon and ordering a glass of it, Annabelle did nothing but stare ahead of herself while she ignored Matt Donovan, Jeremy Gilbert and a man who sat on her right.

While Annabelle repeatedly tapped her fingers on the counter, Matt said to Jeremy, "That was insane. How do you think they'll cover this one up?"

Jeremy said to him, "An assassination attempt on the mayor's son."

Matt said to him, "Altar boy goes postal."

Annabelle only rolled her eyes in response before she muttered a thanks when the bartender gave her a glass of bourbon.

While Annabelle drank from her glass, the man seated to her right said to Matt, "Hey. What happened there?"

After looking back over at Jeremy, Matt told the man with a chuckle, "Uh, girlfriend went a little overboard."

Annabelle snorted in response, which got the man to glance over at her, while she simply raised an eyebrow at him.

When the man looked back over at Matt and nodded at him, Matt started to walk away from the bar, while Jeremy stood up and looked at the man before saying to him as he walked after Matt, "Nice ink."

While Annabelle finished her glass of bourbon, Matt asked, "What ink?"

Jeremy replied, "You didn't see his tattoo? It was huge."

Matt told him, "He didn't have a tattoo."

With a nod of his head, Jeremy said to him, "Yeah, he did."

* * *

While Elena and her friends released lanterns in an attempt to heal from the losses that they'd dealt with for over a year now, Annabelle was in the very same woods that Damon was near and was tearing into the necks of any of those that either lingered inside the woods after getting lost, or killing those who were on their way to the cemetery.

According to Annabelle, it didn't quite matter who they were or in which direction they were coming from.

All that mattered was quenching her constant thirst for blood and her need for lessening the boiling feeling of her anger that was buried deep inside of herself.

If tearing into the necks of her victims didn't help, then compelling them to jump off of the clock tower would.

However, in Annabelle's case, neither seemed to help her.

If anything, they made her feel even worse about herself.

For reasons unknown to her, doing either of those reminded her of how she was unable to keep her loved ones from being killed.

It didn't matter if her youngest sibling, Henrik, and her husband and two children had been dead for one-thousand and nine years, William being dead for three-hundred and eight years and Finn being dead for a month now.

The amount of time that passed since their deaths didn't matter to her.

All that mattered was that they were killed and there was absolutely nothing that she could have done to protect them from being killed.

It was because of this fact that Annabelle eventually chose to stop tearing into their necks and simply tore them apart, limb by limb, while they were still alive.

It didn't matter to her if their screams were heard.

All that mattered was that this boiling feeling of her anger would go away, so that she wouldn't end up going on yet another one of her horrid killing sprees and get daggered by Klaus because of it.

And she knew that deep down, the only person who was truly capable of keeping her under control and was able to calm her down, no matter how she felt, was far away from Mystic Falls.

And she'd be damned if he returned while the apparent vampire hunter was in town and Connor Jordan attempted to harm Kol.

Because if it came to it, Annabelle would gladly burn down Mystic Falls and let those who still lived to have their throats torn out by her, if this vampire hunter so much as harmed one hair on Kol's head.

And whether or not Elena and her friends believed otherwise, the same went for her remaining siblings.

If any of them were hurt because of Connor Jordan, she wouldn't care for the consequences that followed.

She would do anything that she could to protect her siblings and there could not be one single person in Elena's entire group of friends that could keep her from doing so.

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