sixty nine | the axeman's letter

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With a glass in hand, Cami asked the witch whose body had originally been possessed by Finn Mikaelson, "So, there is an active serial killer at large, and the city's response is to throw a serial killer-themed festival?"

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With a glass in hand, Cami asked the witch whose body had originally been possessed by Finn Mikaelson, "So, there is an active serial killer at large, and the city's response is to throw a serial killer-themed festival?"

The witch replied, "Axeman's Jazz Fest is a big deal, Cami. Ain't nobody gonna sit that out because some active, second-tier serial killer is on the loose." After scoffing to himself, he said to her, "As far as killers go, Axeman is the best this city's ever had."

While the two of them started to walk down the street, he told her, "The year was 1919, and after terrorizing the city for months, with an actual axe, he writes a letter to The Times Picayune. Claims he's a demon. He says he's gonna kill thousands the next night. Only way he wouldn't was if every house in the city threw a party and played jazz as loud as it could. Every single house in the city did. No one died." After chuckling to himself, he said to her, "Now, some people think that he was a vampire. He was actually a witch."

Cami asked him, "How do you know he was a witch?"

He replied, "He was a witch! The day he chose was Fete de Cadeau. That's the day that every witch gives a gift to the city in the hopes that the city gives one back. Now, Axeman's idea of a gift was not murdering people for a day. And in return, look, this city threw him the greatest party it has ever seen."

Cami said to him, "Wait, So, what you're saying is, while frat boys celebrate an axe murderer, the witches are having their version of Christmas? Which makes them all easy pickings for whoever our killer is."

He asked her, "And you still think our playboy vampire is the best lead we got?"

Cami told him, "My gut's telling me he's involved somehow. Which means if he kills again, it's my fault for convincing Klaus not to kill him. So I wanna keep tabs on him."

After only nodding to himself in response, the witch said as he went to stare ahead of himself, "Well, well, well." While he pointed towards Lucien, who was standing in front of one of the many tables, the witch said, "Speak of the devil."

Not long after he said that, Annabelle Mikaelson was seen stepping out from her own hiding place and standing beside Lucien, who was quietly talking with her about something that neither the witch nor Cami could hear.

With a sigh, Cami muttered under her breath, "Oh, crap."

With furrowed eyebrows, the witch asked her, "What is it?"

In turn, she asked him, "Do you see the girl that's standing right beside Lucien?" When the witch only nodded in response, she told him, "That, Vincent, is Annabelle Mikaelson, Klaus and Elijah's little sister."

While both Annabelle and Lucien started to walk away from the table and further down the street, Vincent replied, "Oh, and because it was my body that her brother Finn had possession of..."

With a nod of her head, she told him, "She might kill you, because of her belief that you are still Finn."

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