eleven | growing pains

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Despite how incredibly annoyed she was with the men and women who surrounded her, Annabelle chose not to kill them right away and simply stood there with a blank look on her face as she stared ahead of herself.

It wasn't until she heard a noise coming from behind her that she quickly turned around and caught the wooden stake that nearly hit her chest.

Instead of seeing the man stare at her with wide eyes, he only narrowed his eyes at her and was about to shoot his gun at her again, only to stop when Annabelle had tossed the stake into his neck.

While the man dropped his gun and quickly grabbed the front of his neck in an attempt to control the bleeding, Annabelle tilted her head and watched as he fell onto the asphalt before he landed directly on his face.

It wasn't long after he'd fallen and had taken his final breath that the others tried to shoot her with their weapons, only to let out multiple gasps when Annabelle had suddenly ducked down and their wooden stakes and wooden bullets had hit each other.

With a smirk, Annabelle slowly stood up and eyed all of the bodies that lied on the ground.

Just as she was about to leave and get back to searching for Alaric Saltzman, she suddenly stopped when she heard a twang from a good couple of feet behind her.

She quickly grabbed one of the bodies that lied around her and held it in front of her before she tossed it aside when she heard a groan coming from behind a tree.

With a scoff, she sped towards where the sound came from and found a middle-aged man struggling to load a crossbow with another wooden stake.

Instead of acting upon the slowly boiling feeling of her anger from deep inside of herself, she simply tilted her head and watched as the man swore under his breath before he muttered yet another curse when the stake fell out of his grasp.

While he was distracted, she decided to grab the crossbow and eye it as the man shakily picked up the stake before he groaned to himself when he couldn't find the crossbow.

With a chuckle, she raised the crossbow as she asked him, "Are you looking for this?"

He quickly turned around and stared down at Annabelle with wide eyes as he watched her veins come onto display.

Just as he was about to shove the stake into her chest, despite how much his hands were shaking, Annabelle had simply plastered a smile onto her face.

She silently grabbed his hands and held them out as she placed the stake in them before she said to him, "For the life of me, I can't quite understand why my father considered my dead brother a weakling when we were human. I'm sure that if he was truly given the chance, he would have done a far better job than you're doing." When he didn't respond, she said, "Let me help."

He furrowed his eyebrows as he eyed the Original.

He didn't quite know why she– an Original vampire that he was supposed to take with him– was helping him with capturing her.

Rantipole | THE VAMPIRE DIARIES [COMPLETED] (1)Where stories live. Discover now