Chapter 13

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After lying in bed for half an hour in Daniel's arms he then gets up telling me his going to start the shower for us. We shower together and he makes me smile with how attentive and caring he is, helping me to wash my back and wash my hair. I do the same for him in return, while we are showering he says "How do you feel about having a lazy day Kitten?" I smile and he continues with "I can quickly throw on a pair of joggers and start cooking us some lunch, while I'm cooking you could get dressed in some comfy clothes that you could longue about in, then we could spend the rest of the day watching movies, talking and enjoying each others company, what do you say?" Daniel asks "That sounds like a perfect day to me." I reply kissing him once on the lips for a minute and then smiling at him. "Alright then Kitten, you finish up here I will see what I can whip up for lunch."  he says as he steps out the bathroom. Once I have finished showering and everything I go downstairs to the kitchen and see Daniel just finished cleaning. "Sorry Lunch will be a bit late, I forgot we left quite a mess Kitten." Daniel says grinning, I playfully hit his chest and he just picks my hand up and kisses it. "Right then how about slight change of plan, while you finish up cleaning I wiĺl see where I can order some food from around here." Daniel nodds and says "There's actually a really nice sandwich shop near here, they do both hot and cold sandwiches amongst other things. The menu is on the fridge if you fancy that or you could look online." He says "The sandwhich shop it is then, do you know what is it you want?" I ask. "I will have a steak and cheese baguette, a frapachino and a chocolate muffin." I use my phone to order our food. I also have a stake and cheese baguette and a chocolate muffin but have a strawberry milkshake with cream and sprinkles instead. Daniel and I chill out on the sofa in the living room while we wait for our food. We talk about how I'm doing at Harvard and if I like it there, I tell Daniel how I met Jackson boyfriend Lucas and what I told them about the guy I'm seeing. Daniel was happy I was making the initial steps in the plan to tell people my boyfriend is in fact him. Then there's a knock at the door and when Daniel gets the door it's our food. We both sit on the sofa together with our food and drinks, we start talking about things getting to know each other better. We learn that we both want the same things going forward to carry on getting closer to one another and further down the line getting married and having children. We also learn about each other likes, dislikes, morals, values and I obviously tell Daniel how I want to continue studying at Harvard until I get the qualifications needed to help me with my job. Daniel is very supportive of this and says he will stand by me and help me anyway he can. I am really happy that we have so much in common with our morals, values and what we both want for the future. A text notificationsounds on my phone, looking at my phone I see it's Jackson.

To: Lauren
From: Jackson
Hey beautiful if I'm interrupting your fuck sesh I'm sorry. Just wanted to tell you that you missed out big time not coming with us, two girls got into a cat fight after finding out they were both dating the same guy. BEST ENTERTAINMENT EVER! xxx

I burst out laughing and Daniel is looking at me like I have grown another head and I pass him my phone so he can read my message. He reads it shaking his head laughing "Well it seems like Jackson knows our relationship quite well Kitten." He says grinning. "Yes well he knows how I have the hots like crazy for a mystery man." Daniel leans forward until our foreheads touching and says "Oh is that right kitten?" I nodd in response and he kisses me, I kiss him back and accept his tongue into my mouth. After kissing for a while Daniel suggests putting a movie on for us and I agree. While his going through the movies I reply to Jackson.

To: Jackson
From: Lauren
Hey lovely, I have no idea what your talking about Mr! and poor girls you men can be arseholes sometimes lol! xxx

"What type of movie do you want to watch Kitten?" Daniel asks. "I'm not sure... How about a romance?" I ask smiling and he nods, kisses my temple and picks the movie Dirty Dancing. "Aww, I love this one." I say. "I can put something else on if you have already seen this Kitten." he replies, one of his arms is wrapped around me and I lace our fingers together. Shaking my head I say "It's fine, I have watched it more than once as I love it."  So we sit there eating and watching the movie, once we finish eating Daniel pulls me onto his lap and wraps both arms around me as we watch the movie. I must of fell asleep for a few minutes and when I wake up I'm moving around on Daniel's lap quite a bit. "Sorry I fell asleep." I say cheeks slightly pink with embarrassment. "It's ok Kitten, I didn't mind that." Then I notice his cock is hard underneath me. I turn towards Daniel so Im straddling him and say "Can I ask, why are you hard Sir?" questioning him with a smirk on my face. "Well Kitten, you ended up falling asleep on me and you were moaning making me have a semi and then to make matters worse you started grinding your ass back against my cock." I start laughing and say "So your saying I was having... a wet dream?" I ask. "Well yes, I would say it was the beginning of a wet dream Kitten." Daniel replies while laughing and then stops and goes on to say "You were moaning Kitten, and your exact words were; Sir please will you fuck me your tongue feels so good but I really need your cock inside me now " I gasp, playfully hit Daniel on his arm and groaning out an "Oh my god..." while covering my face with my hands.This is due to being slightly embarrassed but I'm also laughing at the same time, as I can see the funny side to it. Daniel as always though reassures me by kissing each of my hands and saying "Don't worry Kitten, you don’t have to be embarrassed it happens I've had more than one dream about you."

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