She sauntered out of her bedroom and headed out, she walked through many corridors and was finally out, she met two dogaris by the entrance and they began with their praises.

Oh how she hated all this, she hated royalty and all it chronicles!

"Gafara dai gimbiya Tasneem, yar sarki jikar sarki "they chanted

They all head to the fada(royal palace) and they meet some groups of royal singers 'Arghhh' she groans internally can this day get any worse?

"Ga gimbiya ta fito, fulanin daura kuma uwar marayu, ta bani kudi bugun amurka jiya, wan can watan kuma ta bani marsandi"

'See me see lie ooo when did I give this man dollars or car' she thought.

Yes, she knows she gives them and other needy within and outside the palace money every Friday not to brag but out of humanity and the teachings of the prophet SAW but she never gifted car.

They got to the entrance of the palace so she held her head up, how she's thought but never to look down on other people, she strolled to where Hamma Ammar was sitting and sat close to him, sitting opposite her where the emir of zazzau family, she bows and greet them one by one and she comes in eye contact with some black orbs, he's dressed in royal blue zabbuni unlike hamma Ammar's that's black, he's dark in complexion and...

"Urhm hmm" her father clears his throat and brings her out of her reverie, she feels so embarrassed for staring too much, she can only hope he hasn't noticed.

"Let's start with opening prayers," Waziri said, he's her father's cousin and also Iman's father, galadima who is Waziri's brother, and also Aisha's father brought his hands up and the prayer session began.

After the prayers, an introduction was done and the next thing was the family lunch which included only the king's family and that of the emir of zazzau's.


"I'm so excited to have you all here, but I know you must be very tired now after your trip, so I'll let you rest, before tomorrow, I suggest we go to the farm tomorrow," the king said with a hint of excitement in his tone.

After that they all departed, Tasneem was so happy that she'd finally get rid of the alkyabba.


Rigar waru, Sokoto

Safna lay on her worn-out mattress staring at space, a lot has been going on in her life and her WAEC is in two weeks, she's not a bit bothered about her upcoming exams because of how hard she'd been getting ready for them.

The worst thing that's going on in her life is her wedding preparation with Audu.

She'd submitted her scholarship approval form after a whole lot of internal debate with herself.

She'd plan right now and so she needed to meet up with her alter ego.

She picks up the change she has with her and heads out.

On reaching Sadiya's she dismissed the okada man and headed in, she met Sadiya's aunt, her Uncle's wife whom she was living with, and her little cousins.

After exchanging pleasantries with the nice aunt she directed her to Sadiya's room and she headed there.

The sight that welcomed her wasn't a pleasant one at all, she had always known her best friend to be a strong lady but there she was curled up in her bed and crying her eyes out.

She's a bad friend she thought, Sadiya had always stood by her side and supported her, she was so engrossed in her life drama that she felt to notice the battle her friend was fighting in her own life.

"Sadiya meya faru?" she asked her voice cracking.

"Safna my parents are very selfish" she cried out amidst tears.

"Sadiya what's the issue now," she said sounding strong, she had to do this for her friend.

"So after abandoning me here it's now they decided to get back together and they expect me to go back? I'm okay with my life here I promise, it's freaking six years already Safna and they think I'll just forget about everything and get back to them" she finished wiping her tears away.

"Sadiya you are supposed to rejoice, at least your parents love and need you, what about me, there might be a reason behind what they did, give them a listening ear kinji sadi nah" Safna consulted.

"I can't Safna it's so hard, this is home and I can't even leave you here in this cruel world," she said sadness laced in her voice

"You have to be selfish even for once Sady nah, forget about me and any other person and think about yourself and your life" She fought the urge to tear up, but she had to be selfless and help Sadiya in this just like she did her all the time.

"Forget about me for now, what brought you here" she asked trying to sound normal

That's Sadiya, always putting people's issues forefront before hers.

"Forget about it Sady we will talk about it some other time," she said.

"And you think I'll let you go just like that, no! You have to, you must tell me if not you ain't gonna leave this place" she said faking her accent, trying to crack jokes.

She's so adamant which leaves Safna with no other choice but to tell her what the issue is,

"Okay I'm doing this for you but you also have to do this for me," Sadiya said amused.

"What now!"

"Okay the plan is...bring your ears close" she whispered her plan to Safna while the latter popped out her eyes not much surprised at her friend's psychopathic thought.

"No way! There's no way I'm doing as you say you psycho path" Safna said glaring at her.

"Okay then forget about it, I'm not returning to my parents we're staying here together forever" she pouted.

"Okay, I'm going, I hope you recover very soon, but I'm not going to run away with you" Safna glared at her and left the house, her plan was good and bad at the same time but nah!


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