Edge Of Heartbreak

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Hayley stood still from the shock that paralyzed her body. She had just got a phone call from a wolf from her pack and when she heard those words, she froze.

The phone had slipped from her hand, and she had slid to the floor silently crying. She covered her face and you could see her shoulders shaking.

Rebekah who had also just heard the news rushed to Hayley side making her cling to the Original. Hayley's head was pulled into Rebekah's cheek, and she curled her arms around Hayley's head.

And soon, everyone in the household knew of Jackson Kenner death. And what a sight it was seeing the unbreakable, unsired hybrid break into millions of pieces.

It was a silent and tense day. After Rebekah had gotten Hayley to stop crying she had to leave to go to Jackson's funeral.

Both Klaus and Elijah offered to go, but she declined saying that the wolves wouldn't want them there.

Neither brother went, and let Hayley leave alone.

When she arrived at the bayou, she was dressed in a black lace shirt with jean shorts, and her signature leather jacket with boots.

Her hair had been braided so it was pulled from her face. When the wolves caught sight of her, they parted allowing her down the middle to see Jackson's body.

She almost sobbed, but covered her mouth and forced it back down her throat.

Jackson was laid on the boat covered by the white cloth, with a pale face and his lips turning blue.

His eyes were closed and he was dressed in a suit. The feeling of guilt that rushed through her was painful, so painful that she almost doubled over.

Turning to the crowd of wolves, she spoke grimly.

"I failed you. And I apologize. I should have been here. If I was, I could've stopped a tragedy. I know now that I am not a reliable alpha. And, If you give me another chance, I can make it up to you.

This tragedy will not be overlooked. I will avenge Jackson because he deserves to be avenged. Because Jackson was a wolf, a beta, and most importantly a friend.

And I wasn't there for him like he was for me. Jackson was the one who told me what I can do. What I messed up. He's the one who congratulated me when I won something or solved a problem.

He was a great friend to many of you, and one of my best friends.

He will be missed."

Hayley grabbed a nearby torch, and set Jackson's boat on fire. Pushing him off, they watched as he burned, drifting off to the middle of the lake.

"Goodbye, Jack."

She whispered into the night feeling the guilt, and the pain of her loss sink deep into her bones.

She hugged herself, she and the wolves watch Jackson's corpse burn as it drifted.

That night, she stayed at the bayou watching her friend's body burn while drifting slowly through the water.

The next morning, Hayley could be found sitting on the deck wearing a navy blue long sleeve with a pair of green jeans and an army jacket.

She wore her black boots still and saw the black smoke that rose from Jackson's flame that had gone out.

You could see her tired and drained face. If you looked into her eyes, you could see that she wasn't herself anymore.

She was hurt. She heard the creak of the old rotting wood that was the deck, and heard noises as someone sat next to her. It was Klaus.

She drank the last of her beer before rolling it around in her hand. She glared down at it before standing up, and throwing it into the water.

Klaus turned to her, and she sighed. He saw her cheekbones, and her pale face. "When did you last feed?

From what? I have nothing to feed from. Blood Hayley. You're still a vampire you can't cut that out no matter how hard you try.

Don't you think I don't know that!?" She shouted turning too him with balled fists.

"I know that. And it hurts okay? It hurts. I don't want to feed. So I'm not going to." She said crossing her arms.

Klaus sighed. He knew she was stubborn but not like this. She'd feed if she needed to. And now refusal?

"Hayley-," she turned sharply, a warning in her now amber eyes.

"Leave. Me. Alone." She shoved him before standing and walking off.

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