they say it's your birthday

Start from the beginning

He dropped his bag just in time to catch Piper in his arms as she threw herself up at him. Her legs wrapped comfortably around his hips as she held on for dear life. With her head tucked against the side of his neck, she sighed. "Oh, I've missed you."

"I missed you too, petal," Harry murmured back as he turned his head so he could press a kiss to her forehead. She snuggled in tighter, her arms crossing over his shoulders until she was gripping each side of his back, her fingers digging into his coat.

"I hate when you go away for so long like this," she told him. "I miss hugging you. I miss your arms and your warmth."

Harry felt that warm tingling feeling he felt somewhere in the vicinity of his heart that he got when Piper said and did things like this. For someone who had pushed away his loved ones for so long, it was nice to have someone who cared about him and would wait in airports for him because she couldn't bare to wait until he got home. That feeling of being loved was powerful and poignant and Harry's arms tightened around Piper for a moment before he was forced to release her.

"I'm sorry, petal, but my back isn't up for this tonight. I think I pulled something."

She was out of his arms in a flash, landing back on her own feet, but her hands lingered on his shoulders before smoothing down the span of his back. "Harry, are you alright? I'm sorry."

He shifted one of his arms around her waist to hold her close and then cupped her cheek gently, tilting her face up so he could kiss her properly. She smiled against his mouth, a little giggle slipping out between her parted lips. "No need to be sorry," he told her when they'd pulled back, lips just a breath apart. "Just didn't want to drop you or anything equally as embarrassing."

She laughed properly, the loud boisterous laugh that he'd come to love, and then took a step toward his side, gently running her hand up and down his back. "How about I give you a nice massage when we get home and see if I can find that pulled muscle?"

"Yeah?" Harry asked hopefully. He knew from experience that Piper's massages were out of this world and he'd fallen asleep a number of times with Piper's small hands digging into his back as she straddled his hips. It certainly wasn't a bad way to drift off to sleep.

"I think I can manage," she quipped as she attached herself to his side and dragged him forward toward where her stuff was sitting on one of the chairs. "After all, it is your birthday. You deserve a massage for turning 29."

"Birthday?" Harry echoed back.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten." Piper snorted a laugh, shaking her head. "You really are too focused on your work."

"No, I remembered," Harry corrected as they came to a stop. He was frowning by the time Piper turned around to face him with an amused quirk of a smile. "I didn't know you even knew what day my birthday was."

"'Course I do," Piper said sternly as she smacked his arm. She had already turned away by the time Harry cringed, rubbing the spot with his fingers to get the sting to go away. "What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't know my boyfriend's birthday." She was rifling through her bag and Harry took a moment to appreciate the view of her bent over, her hips wiggling as she searched for something in with her things. Yes, he had definitely missed her. "I brought you a surprise," she added as she straightened back up, a takeaway container in her hand.

Harry watched, confused, as she struggled with the lid on the box, swearing under her breath until she discovered the piece of tape holding it closed. With a sheepish smile in his direction, she slid her finger under the tape and yanked it off. She was grinning madly, proud of herself, as she extracted his surprise — a cupcake.

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