baby you've got me tied down

Start from the beginning

"Is that weird?" Piper asked warily, craning her head a bit so she could see Harry over her shoulder. He was smirking playfully, the dimple of his left cheek indenting deeply.

"I think it's a little exciting actually," Harry told her, the pads of his fingers smoothing over the top edge of her dress before grasping the zipper, tugging it down slowly as he traced the path of newly revealed skin with his other hand.

Piper couldn't do much other than nod her agreement. The sensation of Harry's nimble fingers on the skin of her back had practically shut off her brain and all she could do at this point was feel.

Harry pulled the zipper past the small of her back, pressing his palms flat to her bare back and smoothing up so he could push the dress from her shoulders. He guided it down her body until it was past her hips and slipped the rest of the way to the floor unimpeded. She'd gone without a bra for the sake of the dress so she was left in her skimpy thong and her stockings that were attached to the knife holsters strapped to her thighs. Harry's quick fingers divested her of those and then his hands were skimming up her sides, tracing a teasing path up her skin.

His hands cupped her breasts, squeezing gently, and a positively lewd moan slipped from between Piper's lips. It had been a long time since they'd had any real fun – okay, a week, but it felt like forever especially when they were both in the same bed each night but just exhausted from prepping for their mission. Her body was so ready for this and she was tempted to let Harry have his way with her whichever way he wanted.

But that wasn't what a Lady would do with her attendant so she brushed his hands off and spun around, facing him with a coy smile. "Mr. Styles, that's very inappropriate. You have to ask before you touch."

Harry grinned wolfishly at Piper playing along with their little role play game, but schooled his features quickly. "My apologies, my Lady. May I touch?"

"You may not," Piper said, chuckling when Harry's face turned down into a pout, his brow drawing together in confusion. The poor man thought he could be a backseat driver on this little game of theirs; he was in for a surprise. "You may stand still and allow me to take off your jacket."

At first Harry was quiet but then a tiny smile crept onto his face and he dropped his arms to his side. "As you wish."

Piper quite liked the sound of that coming out of her controlling boyfriend's mouth. She slowly divested Harry of his suit jacket, slipping the fabric off his shoulders and down his arms before tossing it onto the chair beside the bed.

When she turned back to face him, his eyes were on her tits and he was chewing on his lip, as if it was taking all of his super spy strength to keep from touching her. Piper tried not to let her triumphant grin show as she slotted her fingers through the knot in his tie and slowly pulled it free, letting it drop back onto the mattress behind her.

Not a word was spoken between them and it added an intense chemistry to the room, a palpable energy that weighed heavy on Piper and made her breath come short. It seemed to be having the same effect on Harry because she could feel his slightly erratic breathing beneath her knuckles as she plucked up the fabric of his shirt and undid the buttons slowly and precisely.

"Mr. Styles," Piper said authoritatively when she felt his fingers dancing over her hip, "touching is not allowed."

"I'm sorry my Lady," Harry breathed out as he tapped his finger tips on her skin. "I can't help myself. Your body begs to be touched."

"Then learn to control yourself," she told him as she slapped his hand away gently. "I'm in charge tonight."

A low growl rumbled from Harry's chest as his pupils dilated wide. He licked his lips and Piper was tempted to kiss him so she wrapped her hand around his neck and yanked him forward, slamming her mouth onto his forcefully. He waited for her to tug his bottom lip between her teeth before he surged forward, his tongue licking into her mouth as she gripped his face between her hands.

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