"Let's go get ready," she said, squeezing his hand and they made their way to their bedroom, getting changed and using the quiet to settle some nerves.

They were walking down the stairs when he noticed her tensing against his hands, "Contraction?"

"Mhm," she breathed out, nodding her head and starting back down the stairs once it had passed.

They waited for the girls to get there, dealing with a few contractions throughout the time. Once Maureen and Kathleen had arrived, they wished them luck and had told them how excited they were for the arrival of their new baby brother, promising to bring Noah to see them as soon as they were ready. Elliot put the car seat in and he and Olivia were on their way, pulling into the hospital parking lot a while later. He grabbed their bags from the trunk and helped her out.

"We're going to come out of the building in a few short days with our son," Elliot said, holding her hands and kissing her temple.

"It's crazy," Olivia added, squeezing his hand and looking up at him with a smile. "Let's go get our baby boy."

They checked into the hospital and while Dr. Childs got Olivia settled into her room, Elliot filled out some of her papers, grabbed a coffee and went to find her.

"How's it going? Do you need anything?" Elliot asked her, coming in and setting their stuff down against the window seal. Olivia was sitting up on the bed, Indian style, and had changed into the hospital gown.

"I'm fine, Dr. Childs said I was about three centimeters and my water did break, the baby is doing good so we're on our way," she told him, relaxing against the bed. "She said I should try to get some sleep before the contractions start getting more painful."

"I'll get the lights, do you need water or anything?" He asked, flicking the switch and making his way back to the side of her bed.

She put the bed back into a more laid back position and adjusted the pillows, "Will you lay with me?"

"Of course," he said with a smile, kissing her forehead and kicking off his shoes. "Will you have enough room?"

"I'll be fine," she answered, moving over in the bed as he slid in behind her, wrapping his arms around her and settling in with her. "I love you."

He kissed the back of her head, "I love you too, get some rest."

They settled into bed for a very interrupted and fitful sleep, with a nurse coming in every half an hour to check on Olivia and the contractions slowly intensifying, by two am they had given up on trying to sleep.

"Do you want to try to walk some? I was reading that walking sometimes speeds up labor," Elliot said, sitting on the bed next to Olivia and running his fingers through her hair.

"Where did you read that?" She asked him with a chuckle. While the contractions were coming regularly now, every five or so minutes, they were using the relief and time in between them to relax and keep things light.

"That app you put on my phone, it's gives tips and stuff like that," he told her seriously and watched as she contained her laughter. "So, do you want to try it?"

"I can't believe you actually read all of that," she said, loving him for taking the time to read the notifications because they were important to her. He took her hand and helped her up, tying her gown in the back and fixing her socks. "This is so unattractive."

"You're beautiful," Elliot said, kissing her forehead as they started walking down the halls. "We're halfway there."

Olivia nodded about to respond when a particularly strong contraction started, sucking in her breath and squeezing his hand.

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